Wednesday, September 4, 2019

1st Day Of School 2019!

So we all survived-even Mama!
The first day of school was yesterday and it was a success all around!

Diana is off to 6th grade.  Even though she is not in the Upper Middle School building, she is technically a middle schooler now and such a "tween".  She really enjoyed her classes and has some friends in them which is great.  Then her and her pals found each other during recess.  She started reading a great book last night and was in overall good spirits despite how overwhelming the first day can be!

Of course, we started the day with our obligatory pictures :)

and someone else got up early to experience the entire thing even an hour before she had to so I was able to get a pic of my girls together- oh my heart!


Eva started kindergarten!  This was a big step for our family.  It is the first year of us having a new school AND the first year for our town to have full day kindergarten and Eva is part of that class!   It was typically quiet on the two days she was at pre school, however, yesterday, felt really quiet and somewhat final in a away.

Getting on the bus...she was more excited than she was last week during the trial so that made me a little relieved AND I didn't cry until the bus pulled away :)

I jumped into work which is always the best distraction and that made me happy because I am feeling the fall rush and nothing gets me more pumped up when I am overwhelmed with jobs to recruit for!

I was able to take a quick lunch break with some lady friends which is an annual tradition as we all either mourn/celebrate/a little bit of both!  I also indulged in a little dessert as it was my real birthday! Yeah! 

Nicole's birthday was this past weekend too!  Little does she know we will be celebrating her next weekend too which is very exciting :)

Last night, the girls started dance too!
We picked up Eva for the first time at the new school- a little crazy but so glad we figured it out.  She had her very first ballet class with Mrs. Mullen and I may have cried a little again, especially when I looked in and saw this...

My baby is already at the bar- I can't take it!

Diana started with her first pointe class of the season....she is moving up with an hour and a half of pointe every week- eek!  I was able to snap one quick pick of her and some dance besties before they headed in....

To say we all crashed last night HARD is an was a new...challenging...busy and yes a little overwhelming day but I am proud of the girls and us for rocking it!

Before I go, I also wanted to give you a sneak peak of the lunches because everything got eaten and that doesn't always happen....

Diana is a tween now so she demanded "salad" for lunch....and we threw in a few fun snacks too...

and Eva rocked her Yum Box and ate everything we gave her- for the win!

Love seeing your lunch suggestions so I will be continuing to get inspired by all of you.  Wishing you and your littles the best school year ever!


  1. the first day of school is ALL The emotions for everyone. Glad to hear yours went so well!! Cheers to many more good school days:)

  2. Glad everyone had a Good first day. Happy birthday lady!

