Friday, August 16, 2019

Friday Favorites (Keeping The Faith Edition)

 During some tough times in our lives, I have learned that people will surprise can see God's work in the actions of those around you and those not even that close to you...personally and professionally.....

So during this time, I want to focus on the positive...the angels among us...the signs from above and the hope for a bigger and better door opening up for us...thank you for your ongoing prayers and words of encouragement.....what a special community this has become!

Here are a few bright lights from our week and always..... a few FAVES on Friday for you :)
Linking up with the lovely ladies HERE

My Girls

Always a ray of sunshine even on the darkest have a way of keeping you going and pushing you forward!

Back To School

Though we still have two weeks left here...I am getting ready to embrace "Back To School" think positively and to put some structure back in place...getting the family calendar all tee'd up..starting to get into the mindset of meal planning again (have a yummy recipe coming at you next week BECAUSE my girls loved it and that is such a victory in my book- it will be making the school year rotation for sure!) and getting the girls excited for the new school year and what fun awaits :)  This meme makes me laugh every time I see it....isn't it adorable?  This mom is so cute! 

Self Tanner

I am a self-proclaimed sun worshiper...I am also a victim of skin cancer AND I have not been the best at taking care of my skin.  I know EEK.  I did tanning beds before some tropical vacations to get a "base"...I know I know...anyway...I recently got smart and found a self-tanner that I love....I use it every week of the summer and may just use it all year....snagged it on's cheap...easy and effective and I highly recommend!


I am always amazed of the signs I will randomly get when I am least expecting it...not sure why I am surprised as I have always had strong faith....regardless, I do what I know to be right...I say certain prayers..etc....last weekend, Rob and I bopped into St. Leonard's Church in is the most peaceful place you will ever find....there are statues of certain saints inside so we decided to stop at St. Jude for obvious reasons.....what peace

Our family friend Ella also recently asked me to be her Confirmation Sponsor...if I were not choked up enough, when she told me her Saint, the hair on the back of my neck stood up!  St. Philomena....My Grandmother's Name...I consider my Grandmother...My Dad's Mom to be my guardian angel too so the day Ella called me truly took my breath away...I am honored and so looking forward to that special day in December

Short and Sweet!  Hope you all have a beautiful weekend!


  1. You always have a positive attitude --which is so admirable!! Will continue to think about you and your family.
    Will be waiting for that recipe--especially since you said your kids loved it! I need more of those recipes.

  2. You have got this Rob and Holly. Just remember and I tell myself this often--God's plan isn't our plan, God's timeline isn't our timeline but what he has in store for us is always Better than we could ever have dreamed.

    Have a Good weekend

  3. I love how you are focusing on the positive! Great post as always! :)

  4. YOU are amazing!! Sending so much love, light and prayers!!
