Wednesday, June 26, 2019

What's Up Wednesday (June 2019)

It's time for my favorite linkup of the month!  We are answering the questions is "What's Up" with us:

Linking up with the lovely ladies HERE

What We're Eating This Week

 So....Meal Planning is out the window for the summer and our meals on the grill are on repeat in these parts.

Some recent faves and things we will be having again this week include

TJ's Chicken Burgers with Corn On The Cob and Steamed Green Beans

Chicken on the Grill with BLT Pasta Salad
I loosely based our salad on THIS recipe

and Veggie Pasta sauteed with Roasted Chicken and Broccoli (Fish Sticks and Tots for the Kiddos)

(Birds Eye is my fave brand)

Zach will be moving out this weekend- very bittersweet but time for him to take the next step in his adulthood- excited for him and sad all at the same time!  I whipped him up two big meals and froze them and he can take them out as needed- Chicken Broccoli and Ziti.  You can find my recipe HERE and Stuffed Shells with Meat Sauce

What I'm Reminiscing About

Summers past...we are gearing up for a weekend at the beach with Mimi and Papa and we can't wait!

What I'm Loving

Time outside!  Specifically time exercising outside and a return to Griffin Park....the fresh air feels so good...I LOVE Summer!

What We've Been  Up To

Mama and Daddy enjoyed a long weekend in Nashville with some Besties

Diana and Mama made it through a pointe shoe emergency ;)

We have been enjoying outdoor time especially on the weekends at home on our deck!

We loved watching Diana dance in her End Of The Year Production of Peter Pan

We didn't love that the Bruins lost but we loved the tradition of the games 

Mama enjoyed the Annual PTA Awards Nights

Diana had a blast at Canobie with her besties

and had to say goodbye to her FAVORITE year of dance thus teacher

We christened the Batson's new pool!

We spent Father's Day with our Favorite Dads!

Diana had a great year in 5th Grade!

Eva is wrapping up Pre-K and it is so bittersweet!

and there has been swimming....

and even more swimming ;)

and beach time with besties...these two have been friends since they were 18 months old...squishes my heart!

What I'm Dreading

Daddy traveling...don't get me wrong...I am so happy for him..he reached a goal and is now able to attend his organization's largest sales conference with customers in Las Vegas...but I will miss him....and it is a lot of work balancing my job and 100% of the home responsibilities while he is gone...but I am on a mission to rock it! Just dreading it a little

What I'm Working On

My 2019 Goals...personally and professionally!!!  On-going process...on-going work...I am determined!

What I'm Excited About

Our Town Fireworks Tonight!  We always pack a picnic dinner and meet up with friends for the festivities-the kids have SO MUCH FUN!

What I'm Watching/Reading

Our regular shows are over for the season BUT some Summer Specialties started back up and I am psyched

Our favorite family, the Busbys, are back with their precious quints in Outdaughtered on TLC

and while we are on TLC, Kate Gosselin from Kate Plus 8 is back with her new reality dating show and it is like a train wreck...I...can't...look...away...check it out on's called "Kate Plus Date"

and as I have mentioned, the girls and I are indulging in Dance Moms...we started from the beginning and we are devouring a few episodes a is so fun...yes guilty pleasure...but so fun!  (We also watch the new episodes on Tuesday nights too of course!)

and my two books for June are....

The Love Season by Elin Hilderbrand- one of her older ones- another winner- it did not disappoint!

Another tragic love story set in beautiful Nantucket with vivid descriptions of passion, food and the backdrop of New England's most beautiful island.

and I am making my way through Mrs. Everything- a new novel by one of my favorite authors who doesn't write very often anymore- Jennifer Weiner.

It is GOOOODDDDD....I always fall in love with her characters and love her writing especially when she is talking about passion and/or family drama...I won't want this one to end...

What I'm Listening To...

Some new and recent fave songs include

Me!  Taylor Swift (featuring Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco

Sucker by the Jonas Brothers

and we have been listening to some 1950's jazz during our weekend drives to the beach- pure bliss!

What I'm Wearing 2019...the first time since the early 2000's really

 and did I mention this track suit?  I am not one for sweats but my bestie didn't give me a choice and guess what?  I LOVE it and want to wear it every day :)

What I'm Doing This Weekend

We have a full and fun weekend planned.....

Grilling on the Deck on Friday Night, Rob's Family Reunion on Saturday, Pool Time at our Besties on Saturday Night and a Birthday Pool Party on Sunday...let's hope the weather holds up for all of this outdoor fun!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

More time to spend with Mimi and Papa and A Weekend at Our Friend's House on Lake Winnipesaukee

What Else Is New?

We made our summer list!  Well the girls did and I supervised and I am excited to help them check off all of the boxes!

That's a wrap!  What have you been up to?


  1. Love that summer fun list! SO glad to finally have nice weather so we can enjoy time outside :)

  2. You guys always seem to have so much fun! I love all these pictures. I love the zucchini pasta as well! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  3. What a fun summer bucket list!! Have fun at fireworks tonight and enjoy your busy weekend!

  4. I love that zucchini pasta! What a sweet week you’ve had. The alligator float reminded me of how my dad used to ride ours like a bucking bronco, LOL! Have the sweetest weekend girl!
