Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday Favorites (Pointe Shoe Emergency Edition)

Hey Fri Yay- welcome back!  It's my FAVE day of the week and I am ready to share some FAVES from this week with you.  As always, linking up with the lovely ladies HERE

Keeping it short and sweet this week and talking only about my girls...I missed them so much when we were away and have been grateful for this week and so many extra snuggles!

Diana is Tech Week at Diana's dance studio.  The BIG Peter Pan production happens on Sunday- two shows- 1 and 5.  Helps me to write it out.....

We had a "pointe shoe emergency" this week and it ended up being one of my favorite things ever.  Sounds strange right?  Well it's a fave for so many reasons.  Diana's pointe shoes "died" and it happened during the worst week possibly.  In short, when pointe shoes die, dancers can feel the floor and it causes so much pain.  Diana was in so much pain by Monday, that she couldn't walk.  I thought to myself, "when am I going to be able to make this happen?"  Due to having a flexible and reasonable boss, I was able to scoot out of the office early on Tuesday to take care of business.  After being put off/rejected by two businesses, I found our new Fairy Godmother in Nashua NH at "The Dancer's Closet."  Linda was simply amazing.  She tried several types of shoes on Diana and explained everything to both of us as we went through the process- I learned SO MUCH!

Though I was a dancer, I was only on pointe for one year and it was over 30 years ago- eek!

We ended up with amazing new shoes, gel pads for her toes, a MAGIC sewing kit (kid you not) and a new bag to organize all of her shoes and gear- woosh!

Linda liked Diana so much, she asked if she could post her picture on their Instagram and Facebook accounts- I said sure :)  Loved how they hit it off :)

We left the store at 2:30 pm and didn't have to be to St. Anselm's Theater until 4:30 for dress rehearsal so yes I sped and we got to the venue by a little after 3 and I got sewing right away.  Now if you know me (which most of you don't personally) than you would know I am a BAD sewer.  Well...I went into survival mode and got the elastics and ribbons sewn on both shoes in one hour straight...yes Diana was standing over me...I was feeling the pressure but I think it made me work faster and harder- ha!

I got the shoes done in time for her to start breaking them in for rehearsals all week- Praise God!  THIS is why this is my FAVE of the week and one of my all time faves- I know I will never forget that day for the rest of my life.  Diana was so appreciative and I did feel like a rock star for a very short time :)  Well Diana called me a "goddess" so the same right?  I laughed!

 and tech rehearsal was a blast...I got to hang with my bestie Jill which makes it even that much more fun...loved watching the dancers and then watching Mrs. Mullen in action...making corrections...instructing...putting together an amazing production. She asked me to snap a few photos but I only had my phone and the light was tricky...these will give you a basic idea..

and our Studio Manager, Miss Tina, gettin' her groove on :)


and as Diana has been consuming us with all things dance....Pidge continues to provide us all with love and snuggles and keeps her teachers and everyone around her laughing XO

Our little "Student of the Week" with her award and her pal Jolly the Giraffe who got to come home for a week!

 She and big Sis LOVE their cow girl hats that we brought back from Nashville for them :)

That's a wrap!  Heading into recital weekend but there will be some time in between to relax for QT with friends and family.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. What a precious little dancer you have there! And I absolutely love the cowgirl hats!

  2. Oh what a sweet story about the emergency pointe shoes, Mama to the rescue!! And Eva's flamingo shorts are precious :) Happy Friday Holly!

  3. Wow, Diana does pointe? I think our studio requires you to be older. Gabbie doesn't think she's going to do pointe. Her favorite is lyrical and also tap!

  4. What a great story about her pointe shoes. YAY for you pulling through and getting it done just in the nick of time. Go mama!!! They do look pretty darn cute in them there cowgirl hats. Love it! XO

  5. Way to save the day!! Have fun at the recital this weekend!

  6. As a former dancer...I was sweating that pointe shoe story! Glad it worked out.

    Cheers to your weekend sweet lady!

