Thursday, May 16, 2019

Mother's Day Weekend 2019

We had to get creative with our Mother's Day celebrations this year.  It was a jam packed weekend and we wanted to make sure that everyone got their special celebrations.

Saturday was packed with Eva's Dance Recital 

and then we all immediately headed over to Diana's Dance Studio for her Voice Recital- she made us proud again!

After that, we took Mimi out to Coach Stop for a "Mother's Day Eve Dinner Celebration"

We had a blast and exchanged gifts- we were completely on the same page- exchanged Lilly items- we got her a popover and insulated cup and she got me a Lilly cooler- can't wait to use it at  the beach this summer!

That night, Rob, the girls and I had a dance party on our deck...with our felt so good to be outside and to get silly :)

On Sunday, we celebrated Kayla's college graduation!

It was a great day spent with family :)

These two showered me with the cutest homemade cards and such...they also, along with Daddy's help, gave me a gift card to Lululemon- can't wait to put that to good use!  My awesome step kids gave me a gift card to Windham Country Club so I can buy some new golf attire too- FTW!

The gift that took the cake, however, was Eva's survey that she did in school...we laughed so hard we cried...yes yes Pidge I AM 16!!  ;)

After the graduation, we just crashed...the weekend wiped me out!

Hope you all had a beautiful Mother's Day!


  1. Love that you & your mom both got each other Lily! And too funny about Eva thinking you're 16 ;)

  2. Aren't handmade gifts from the kiddos the best!
    Looks like you had a great Mother's Day.

  3. That Lilly cooler is adorable!!! My 6 year old filled out that exact same mom's survey--so sweet! Have a great weekend Holly!
