Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday Favorites

Yeah for my favorite day of the week!  I missed Friday Faves last week - oh my gosh!  I hate missing this linkup- it is one of my faves......

Time to linkup with Erica, Andrea and Narci HERE

Here are some faves from this week......(and I was bad at snapping pics of my food and finding memes so it will look a little different this week)

 Fave Outfit

So thanks to Sheaffer, I snagged this beautiful and comfy dress at Nordy's, in TWO colors- this one in black and then a blue heather one.  I love it so much that I want to go back for yet another color but I won't- can't- need some self control!  She suggested pairing it with this jean jacket too and she is always dead on with her fashion advice- ended up being an outfit I LOVE and will wear incessantly!

(Jacket HERE, Dress HERE, Flip Flops HERE, Cross Body old via Ebay- you can still find some HERE and Necklace old via Ebay- you can still find some HERE)

Eva at School

LOVE the shots they send me...she is always so "busy"- my heart is squished!

Diana's 2019 TTC Audition Video

So on Wednesday night, we filmed Diana's audition video for her 2019 Triple Threat Theater Camp.  We had so much fun.  Rob was getting a big kick out of me choreographing the # for her but friends, this is SO my happy place and I LOVE that Diana found her passion for theater the way I did at her age.  It is so much fun to enjoy this together.  Anyway, giving you a little glimpse here...I am proud of her tenacity...


It's's May!  It is actually my #1/#2 fave month of the year...Cass' Bday is this month....Memorial Day Weekend...The Start of Summer in my book...I am just giddy.  Anyway, one of my favorite memes every year is the JT one...don't you just giggle when you see this?  Ha ha!!!

Monday Nights With Mimi

We were so excited that Mimi was feeling up to getting back to our Monday night routine- she takes Eva to dance class and comes back for dinner- we love the quality time spent and happy that my Mama is feeling stronger every day!

Cocktails and Cupcakes
Each month, one of our favorite restaurants, Copper Door, in Salem NH, has a different featured cocktail and cupcake.  In April, it was a whoopie pie theme and BA insisted we get there to try it- well we did on Sunday and it did not disappoint and you can bet that my clean eating started again this week- eek!  Well worth the calories when you can sneak in some QT with your peeps though!

Softball Season

Despite all the rain and cold in these parts, softball season is upon us- Praise God- just waiting for some sun and warmth again to make it more enjoyable!!

Celebrating Eva's Birthday

My Baby Girl turned 5 last week- 5!  Wow!  We celebrated with her grandparents and her special requests- Mama's Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti and a Unicorn Cake.  She also asked for "glasses" and a purse to put them in.  She actually has not taken the glasses cute...and pretty hysterical!

1st I have to look at this little love...humor me for a  few pics :)

and our little shindig :)

Teddy Bear Picnic

Last night was the Teddy Bear Picnic/Kindergarten Orientation for our Little Pidge.  I had a lump in my throat the whole time.  I kept thinking back to when Diana went through this and it honestly seems like yesterday.  Pidge wasn't even born yet!  It is just so crazy how quickly things go but anyway... Pidge had such a great time and even saw some pals from her current school.  I tried to soak up EVERY second...oh my heart...

 (She brought her bear "Patrice" named after our beloved Bruins Hockey Player Patrice Bergeron)

and the staff gave the kids a bag of treats on their way out....snacks, a drink and this adorable little book...she was "reading" it on the way home :)

That's a wrap!  Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Ok I need a navy work dress and I may just need to snag that one.

    Hosting a fund raiser for Hockey Guy's school tonight and the theme.
    .cupcakes and bubbles!

    Have a Good weekend my love!

  2. That jacket looks great on you! Your school’s kindergarten orientation is amazing! I’m glad your mom is feeling better! Have a great weekend!

  3. Cocktails & cupcakes, HOW FUN!?! Looked like a great time at the kinder picnic too. SO glad to hear your mom is doing well!

  4. Aww your girls are so precious! Between the audition video and the birthday girl--so sweet!!
