Wednesday, April 24, 2019

What's Up Wednesday (April 2019)

Our little PIDGE is FIVE TODAY!!  Woohoo!
It is so cliche but I can't believe it- she is the baby of the family and brings us so much joy!  Everyone loves Eva because she loves everyone!  She is celebrating at the movies with Mimi, Papa and Diana today and then tonight we are all celebrating together with my Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti and a Unicorn Cake (as requested)...we will celebrate with a few of her pals from school in a few weeks! 
and Now...WOW!  I can't believe this month is already over!  April...where did you go!  This will be my last blog post of the week as Diana and I are taking off on a road trip with Lea and Sam to Amish Country!  Come back next week to read all about our trip!

This is April vacation week for our kids so all bets are off- that means no meal structure and the first of TWO birthday celebrations for our little Eva a.k.a Pidge! 

Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer HERE to share What's Up With Us!

 Here goes nothing....

What We're Eating This Week

See note above- not really meal planning but...

Monday night was Pork Chops (on the grill) and pasta for Daddy and the Girls- Beth Ann made Mama a gourmet Italian meal with help from Tuscan Market- delish! 

Tuesday night- the girls were at Mimi and Papa's over night so I made dinner for BA and Robby B- we had Grilled Cilantro Lime Chicken with a Green Salad

Wednesday Night- Tonight will be all about Eva's requests- Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti AND her Unicorn cake of course :)

Thursday and Friday- Daddy will be making Pidge's faves while Mama and Diana are out of town and eating the specialties of Amish Country in Lancaster PA! 

What I'm Reminiscing About

My family trip to Amish Country when I was little- even after all of the lovely places my parents took us, my brother and I always say PA was our fave- we loved everything about it- the Amish culture- the family style dinners- the pool of course- it was our fave- I hope Diana feels even a fraction of that excitement!

What I'm Loving

The cropped jeans- oh- they fit like a glove and I LOVE the cuffs!  Was searching so long for a pair like these!

You can find them HERE

What We've Been Up To

Mama and Beth Ann enjoyed a seminar on peace at our church

Mama and Diana enjoyed the WHS production of Legally Blonde with some pals

Eva LOVED her cooking class at The Culinary Playground

We enjoyed watching Rob's band play at a new pub in the next town over

Mama and Eva enjoyed our visits with Mimi during her recovery and Eva also helped with some yard work ;)

We celebrated Miss Lea's Bday...all month long... ;)

Diana took her first RAD Ballet Exam!


and celebrated a successful exam accomplished with sushi

and we loved watching Diana in the Spring Chorus Concert at school!

We hosted our 3rd Annual Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt!

Mama really enjoyed hosting an employment law seminar with her firm

We hosted friends for dinner...

and we framed this pic for Diana's pals so they could remember this Daddy Daughter Dance :)

Pidge rocked Kindergarten testing!

and Diana won GOLD at The LDA Performance Awards!

Mama and Diana enjoyed Ballet Hispanico with friends from her studio

and Mama treasured her lunch w/ Work Bestie Janie

We made Family Game Night happen!

and celebrated every day of Holy Week, starting with services and mass on Holy Thursday and then the Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday

 Baking and Coloring Eggs on Holy Saturday

and mass, good food and QT with family and friends on Easter!

We got to see Diana's scores from her RAD Exams- she scored at the highest level- "Distinction" with a score of 82!

and Daddy and Pidge sqeezed in some hockey :)

What I'm Dreading

Nothing really at the moment

What I'm Working On

Making Placements- Increasing My Weekly Workouts- Decreasing My Calories- and remembering "not to press!" Pretty much my 2019 professional and personal goals!

What I'm Excited About

All of the dance performances this Spring!

What I'm Watching/Reading

So, I am still on the usuals (the ones that haven't already wrapped up for the season) including Grey's, American Housewife, Billions and Jane The Virgin.

BUT....I watched a documentary on HBO On Demand and I am obsessed...I have since ordered a book and have told as many people as possible to watch it...have you seen this one?

There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane

It is haunting me...I don't remember this story...probably because I was sleep deprived with my first baby....but do you remember it?  It is left me feeling and thinking one way and the more I read on line...I feel different now and Oh my Gosh...I just don't know...

I also binge-watched the series The Carrie Diaries on Netflix- it is kind of like the Prequel to Sex And The City and it's just fabulous!  I thoroughly enjoyed this one

I just found another series and it is kind of crazy but I can't stop watching- Crazy Ex-Girlfriend on Netflix 

We have also been back into American Idol- we are just amazed by the talent this year!

 (Sidebar- Katie Perry just kills me!)

I read one book so far and I am wrapping up my second of the month.

The first one I read was "Fools Rush In" by Kristan Higgins- it was such a cute love story and I LOVED how it was set on Cape Cod- recognized several of the references and always love when stories are based in my New England :)

The second one, I am still wrapping up and it is so different and intense - Defending Jacob by William Landay- such an intense investigation and somewhat thrilling- I am enjoying reading a dramatic story for a change! This is also set in Newton MA so another New England Novel FTW!

What I'm Listening To

Thanks to American Idol and a visit from Pat Benatar, I downloaded her Greatest Hits Album and that has been on repeat!

What I'm Wearing

Since discovering or I should say Re-discovering Venus, I have enjoyed wearing some of their tops with jeans- they are SO reasonably priced and I love the bright colors.  I am packing a few for Nashville next month!  This blue one has been on rotation too :)

and Shop Chartreuse is a favorite online boutique- I am CRAZY about this top!

What I'm Doing This Weekend

Diana and I are road-tripping it to Amish Country with Lea and Sam - woohoo!!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

Dance Recitals...Kayla's College Graduation AND.....a Weekend Getaway to Nashville!

What Else Is New?

I think I have covered it all here already!  Can't wait to read what you have been up to!


  1. Unicorn Yes Please! Happy birthday to your sweet girl! Loving those jeans on you!

    Have a Good trip.

  2. We have been a amazedby the talent on AI this year too. I will have to watch that documentary on HBO. Happy birthday to sweet Eva!! xo

  3. Happy Birthday to your little princess!!!

  4. Happiest birthday to your Eva!!! HOORAY for unicorn cake ��
