Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Let's Look (Pantry Edition)

It's time for the monthly linkup with Shay and Erika.
Linking up with the lovely ladies HERE

This month, we are looking inside our pantries!
Oh what fun...truth be told, I wish we had a pantry but we don't...we have some larger cabinets that serve as our "pseudo pantry"...maybe in our next life?  Ha ha!!

Here are a few staples that you will always find here.....


Once in awhile I love to make a big ole bowl of oatmeal so always have these bad boys on hand...they also come in handy for various dessert recipes too! 


My girls LOVE is their #1 breakfast request and though my Italian Mama Heart is saying eggs...pancakes...I do want them to eat without a fight so most days, it is cereal and they know where to find it!

 Baking Ingredients

So you can always count on baking ingredients in my pantry cabinets as will always find flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking soda and baking powder and most of the time, chocolate chips as well.  I never profess to be a baker but it is convenient to have these items on hand for when the need arises!


My girls are fussy but I do know the few things they will devour and rice is one of make a more healthy option, we go with brown rice and sometimes snag the ones that have quinoa and such mixed in.  I always go for the Minute Rice brand because God knows we are always rushing!!  You will find these stacked high too!

 My "Stash"

So above the large pantry-like cabinet, we have a smaller cabinet where we store wine glasses and such and always my "stash" as Rob calls it.  I keep a little chocolate tucked up there for when I am having a get it.  My favorite indulgence is the sea salt chocolate caramels from Trader Joe's.  I only splurge and buy these once/year or so but they do last a while and provide the perfect pick-me-up!  :)  I am sure you can relate!

 So there ya have it- pretty simple- it is probably best that I don't have a pantry because I would find the excuse to fill it to the brim- God knows our cabinets are full as it is!  So..what do you have in your pantries?


  1. Oh goodness those caramels, so much yes!!! I remember loving cereal every morning as a kid to ;)

  2. I need to look for those rice and quinoa bowls--my kids would eat those!
