Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday Favorites (Good Friday Edition)

Linking up with Erika and the gang HERE

 Let us remember the holiness and suffering of this day.....let us reflect....and try to comprehend the magnitude of his sacrifice on this day.....

My family and I will be taking part in The Living Stations Of The Cross at Our Church tonight.....the kids remember it and Eva actually asked us if we were going again....we looked at each other and agreed that we are doing something right.....

After a rough and stressful week of work, I am happy to share some bright lights in our week....

Here are some of our faves...

FAVE MEMEs of the Week!

Oh...this has happened to me and though it feels so unjust when it is going down....God and Karma always step in...I always would like to say too (but I don't)...don't you know that I am always going to find out what you say behind my back? 

Eating the Rainbow!

Easter Timehop

These pics from 8 years ago, at Easter time, kill me!

Diana and her bestie Alice....

and someone hated the Easter Bunny for what seemed like forever!  Ha ha!

 and while we are talking about flash backs...Cass posted this pic of us from of her bday celebrations when we were in our 20's!  So much fun...

and one more....for National Siblings Day...My Aunt (Mom's Sister) posted this pic from her wedding- My mom on the left with her brother and sister (twins)...LOVE this pic! :)

Final Celebration of Birthday Month

Last weekend, we celebrated ONE MORE TIME....this gal kills me...such a beautiful person inside and out...

Ballet Hispanico

On Tuesday night, Diana convinced me to take her to Ballet Hispanico at a theater in the next town over.  Her Dance Director, Mrs. Mullen, coordinated this event for kids from her studio and they all thoroughly enjoyed it- Mama did too!

and a Selfie to capture our fun night.....

Business Lunch with My Work Bestie

We stick to our quarterly get togethers to build each other up, share leads and best practices and just share our gratitude for our relationship- would be lost without my Janie!

Family Game Night

We finally made it happen....after the girls BEGGING us....and we made a pact to do this at least once a month, although, Pidge is requesting this EVERY NIGHT...she is a fierce competitor AND edible while she is at it! :)

Palm Cross

I FINALLY learned out to make a cross out of palms on Palm Sunday- thanks YouTube- ha ha!~

Fave Shot of the Week

Hope you all have  a glorious Easter Weekend...this is my favorite week in church all year....I took the girls to Holy Thursday services last night and we will be there for the next three days too...can't wait to read all about your traditions and faves!


  1. First, those memes about one person not taking you down. I need that...I think we might be in the same season right now. Sigh. You've got this and so do i!

    I also need to make the palm crosses, I think Hockey Guy and I may Youtube those today!

    Happy Easter sweet friend!

  2. Your meals look so yummy this week!! Have a happy Easter! Have fun hosting brunch!

  3. Oh those memes! ;) Happy Easter Holly & family!!!

  4. I love your Friday memes and your food pics:) Hope you have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter!!

  5. Holy Moly Holly!!! This week was packed full of goodness for you. I love all the good to remember. Taking your daughter to see that ballet will be a forever memory. Good job mama!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. The celebration your participating it at your church sounds great! XOXO
