Monday, January 14, 2019

Winter Weekend Recap

So....I typically hold my breath all winter because seriously...I just don't enjoy this season...the snow and ice can stop on New Year's Day for me...BUT we live in New England and Winter typically lasts through March- ugh!

Anyway, this past weekend, detox and all, we kept busy and got to enjoy lots of QT with family and friends and it was FUN!

Here is what it looked like....

Friday Night

I got to be a "Proud Auntie" and watch Sam get ready.  Lea invited me to join them as Sam got ready for her first Middle School Winter Wonderland Dance...I had so much fun watching it all and taking pictures...especially when all of the girls met at a friend's house....nothing better...and we will be there in two years with Diana...aaahhhh!

Saturday Morning

I took a class at the gym...and then on my way I passed the Urgent Care Center in our town, I saw this.....

That was me 5.5 months ago...being taken from Urgent Care to the hospital in an ambulance...the I drove home, I thought about how far I have come in that short amount of time and how precious life is...I try every day to keep things in check and not let my anxiety and stress get the best of me...sometimes it is easier said than done but thanks to my new lifestyle, I hope to never have an episode like this again!

After getting a little work done, I showered and then met the troops at the Workout Club for Eva's swim lessons.  (They were coming from hockey).  We signed her up for a quick six-week session so she will be more comfortable in the water in Punta Cana- six weeks away! 

She had a blast!

After that, we grabbed a quick lunch to eat at home and then headed to the high school for the Windham Helping Hands Walkathon...very active day for us and so much fun!

When we got home, I was able to finish my first book for January-
"Not That I Could Tell" by Jessica was great- such a fun suburban thriller...and then we met our parents at Diana's basketball game.....

 She may be tiny but she is mighty!

Her team crushed the Londonderry team!

After that, my Father In Law treated us all to dinner at much fun sitting around the grill especially when the flames are big...Mama enjoyed a meal of ALL raw fish...actually I loved it...I always love fish...wish I was a mermaid (but that is a story for another day)... ha ha!!!

Papa Pete loved the Sake ;)


After mass, we all headed to Diana's pal's hockey game- Joey has been playing hockey since she was 6 years old.  She amazed us on the ice and she was so excited that Diana came to watch her...we are trying to teach Diana how to support her friends from a young age....because we find that "our villages" are so important at all stages in life!  So happy they found each other- warms my heart!

Rob wanted Eva to watch too which she did for awhile before having fun climbing up and down the bleachers ;)

After that, we divided and conquered!

I was able to get some more work done and get a head start on my week...that always makes me happy!
Later on, I hit the outlets with my besties so I could do a return and pick up some things for Rob.

Rob and the girls and his dad headed to a family birthday party.

Last night, it was bath time, groceries and organization AND a fashion show so I could see how the clothes looked on my hot hubby ;)

Thank God everything fits AND he likes everything FTW!

Yeah!  Such a great weekend- productive and fun filled....what were you up to?


  1. Hey! Holly, thanks for that wonderful recap. I think Eva is so cute with her swimming costume on. Don't forget to tell her I said I wold love to have her teach me as well.
    Wonder Cottage
    The Glossychic

  2. I love how much you accomplish in a weekend! And such good thinking on teaching Diana to support her friends at a young age, its so important to show up for our people!!

  3. Man, you sure did have a busy weekend.
    Aren't dances fun & watching the excitement in the kids? Brings back fun memories

  4. I am so very proud of you for what you have accomplished with your health journey.

