Wednesday, January 30, 2019

What's Up Wednesday (January 2019)

Yeah for What's Up Wednesday- My Favorite Linkup of the month!  We get to share what we've been up to and such and I love reading all about you too.

Linking up with the lovely ladies HERE

BUT I would remiss if I did not mention that my favorite blogger of all time, Mel Larson, has retired from blogging....I was so sad but completely respect her decision....AND you may have noticed the new graphic at the top of this post...and that is the reason can get started now....

Here goes nothing....

What We're Eating This Week

Monday- Baked Cod with Lemon along with Leftover Giambotta
Giambotta is an old Italian tradition- it is how the Italians loved to feed their families-right out of their gardens- whatever they had, they put in- most of the time it included tomatoes, green beans and potatoes at least.  I loosely followed this recipe HERE and then also added potatoes and green beans.  It was delish and I served it on Sunday with Grilled Chicken Breasts when my parents came for dinner.  The leftovers were great and completed our dinner on Monday night too!

Tuesday- Chicken Tacos (in Lettuce Wraps for the Adults) and Mediterranean Salad (The Salad consisted of Ice burg lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, olives and oregano) ....delish!

Wednesday- Mac and Cheese (Mama is out)

Grilled Chicken Breasts and Broccoli (and rice for the kiddos)

Friday- Friday Night Pizza and Salad Night

Some of my favorite "detox" breakfast and lunches have included:

Egg and Avocado Salad - 4 egg whites, 1/2 of an avocado- mash together and add salt and pepper.  I eat it plain or with a few grain free crackers- delish and filling!

and the Cobb Salad at a great little restaurant in town called 33 Hilltop- it has Romaine, Cukes, Tomatoes and Carrots, Avocado, Eggs, Bacon, Red Onion and I get it with Italian dressing on the side- it is so interesting, delicious and filling!

What I'm Reminiscing About

As we get ready for Punta Cana, I have been reminiscing about past vacations.  What we enjoyed...what we would do over....these years go quickly....Diana leaves for college in 7 years....trying to make these memories special while remembering to truly rest and decompress!

 (this was in the Bahamas in April of 2012- beautiful vacation-can't believe how little Diana was AND Pidge wasn't even born yet!)

What I'm Loving

While on the topic of our upcoming vacation, I love planning outfits and having "options"...Rob is not a fan of my options because that will sometimes mean I ask for a corner of his suitcase too- ha ha!!  ;)

What We've Been Up To

We celebrated the holidays with our family and friends and despite Mama being down with the stomach bug on Christmas Eve, we all rallied and truly lived in the spirit throughout.....

We had a blast on NYE with some of our pals.....

The Fab Four enjoyed an Annual NYD Lunch at Copper Door

Mama has been enjoying Clean Eating

Eva loved seeing her Godmother Alice after the holidays

Mama received a special award from the Wolverines upon her "retirement" ;)

and the PTA pals said Goodbye to Lisa as she moves to MD

Mama got to enjoy seeing Sam dressed up for her first WMS Winter Wonderland Dance

Eva has been LOVING Swim Class!

 We partook in the Windham Helping Hands Walkathon

Diana has been really enjoying basketball this year!

We had a fun night when Papa Bob took us all out to Wasabi

Diana loved watching her pal Joey play hockey!

Daddy had fun modeling his new clothes that Mama picked out for him...

Daddy and Diana had a blast at The Bruins Game

Lucy and Diana made the PTA Reflections Finals and placed for their # in the category of "Dance Choreography"

Mama and Ally had a blast at the Dancing with the Stars Tour

while Miss Thing had fun w/ her besties

Someone has been making sure that our new Ice Rink is "just right" ;)

We celebrated Mike's 50th!

and the girls had fun playing in the first snow of 2019

 There has been some skating...

and some saxophone at Diana's band concert :)

We registered Pidge for Kindergarten- mixed emotions!

Mama had a blast celebrating a successful "Detox" and attending the Annual NH Winter Wine Spectacular

Miss Sassy Pants asked to have her hair straightened and that always means...."can you take some pics in portrait mode please?" Oh...this child ;)

We had some friends for dinner and I whipped up this Savory Monkey Bread for an appetizer- it was a BIG hit and got wiped out!  You can find the recipe HERE

and Eva has been working hard at hockey!

What I'm Dreading

Nothing at the moment!

What I'm Working On

Hitting my 2019 Goals- personally and professionally!
Health wise- always working towards better health and had a great doctor's appointment last week- down 25 pounds since my episode in late July- #s are looking great- feeling great and my doctor is proud- so happy to have this visit!!

What I'm Excited About?

Besides our vacation to Punta Cana?  When we come home we will be that much closer to Spring- yeah!!

What I'm Watching and Reading

Well Rob and I discovered The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon Prime Video and after the holidays we binged both Season 1 and 2- OUTSTANDING!  I want to be Midge :)

Friends From College Season 2 was released on Netflix and I binge watched that one too one weekend!  LOVE that show and so sad I will have to wait another year for the next season!!

My Favorite Show is still A Million Little Things and Thank GOD it started back up last week (insert Praise God hands here)

I'm Sorry just returned too- so excited- I laugh the entire show- if you haven't seen it and you need a laugh, look it up- Andrea is HYSTERICAL!

Also looking forward to catching up on Greys, This Is Us and American Housewife.  I think one of my newer faves, I Feel Bad, has been cancelled- BOO!

Then reading has been on point this month!~

First I started with.....

Not That I Could Tell- By Jessica Strawser

Great Suburban Thriller!

and next I read An Anonymous Girl by 

Sarah Pekkanen and Greer Hendricks (same authors as The Wife Between Us)

Oh My!  I could not put this book down- I finished it in two days...well nights really....what a thriller!! 

I already started my first book for February- it is for book club and it is called

What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

So fabulous just like her other books!

 What I'm Listening To

Lately it has been all about my Playlists on my phone as I am walking an jogging on the treadmill so I still listen to the Fort Lauderdale Playlist and then I made one for my 45th Birthday and then my friends and I put together a playlist for Newport this past year....these playlists have been on favorite songs are from the 90's of course....and well Goodbye Stranger is up there too!!  

 What I'm Wearing

It's been a whole lot of layers during this cold winter and lots of workout clothes!  When my detox plan was over, I celebrated with my besties and put on a Lilly top- Lilly always makes me happy!

 What I'm Doing This Weekend

It is really up in the air right set plans so the possibilities are endless! :)

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

Do I even have to type these words

In Eva's voice....PUNTAAAAA CANNNNAAAA!!!!

 What Else Is New?

I have some exciting professional news coming soon!

What is our Favorite Family Valentine Tradition

I would have to say surprising the girls with Valentine Treats at breakfast on dressing them up in festive Valentine attire for their school parties too :)

So...What Have You Been Up To?


  1. I am so very proud of your health journey! Way to go girl! That savory money bread looks so Good!


  2. I loved What Alice Forgot! It looks January was a great month, and it always helps get through a cold winter month by having a warm vacation to look forward to. Hope you have a wonderful week. Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  3. AH so many good things this month! Yes, you need all the options on vacation ;) I can't wait to try that savory monkey bread, it looks SO good! And we love the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel too.

  4. What Alice Forgot is fabulous!! Enjoy! I have heard so much about Friends From College and I think we need to watch it! Have fun on your trip enjoying all that Lilly and sunshine!!

  5. I loved "What Alice Forgot". Way to go with your weight loss and health! That is so awesome. That monkey bread sounds so good. I love that picture of your girls in the first snow of 2019. Punta Cana is going to be so much fun and I had to laugh about you packing and your husband...that is me and my husband. I always have stuff in his bags! Ha! I hope you have a great day Holly!

  6. Hold up - how does that ice rink work? Is that in your back yard? That is so cool!!!

  7. This post was just full of such goodness and sweetness! Way to go on the clean eating, I have been attempting it too! I love your Lilly top and I am so excited for your vacation!

  8. That egg/avocado salad looks so yummy, I'm going to have to add that in to my lunch recipes! Also, did you have so much fun at the DWTS show!? I always think that looks like SO much fun, we are taking my older two little ladies to Disney on Ice next week and we can't wait! Hope you're having a great week!

  9. That ice rink looks so fun!! Can't wait to hear about your work news--so exciting!!
