Friday, January 4, 2019

Friday Favorites (1st of 2019 Edition!)

The first Friday of the year!  Can I get an Amen?  Seriously so happy to be back into a's feeling good!!  Linking up, as always, with Erika, Andrea and Narci HERE to share some faves from our week.....

Extra Time Over The Holidays with my Little Loves

Packing for Punta Cana

Already?  Well getting organized anyway....makes me happy to see all of the summer prints and makes it feel more real!

Daddy's Gig

Even though I was recovering from the stomach bug, I was able to go out for an hour last weekend to catch Rob's band along with Lea and Nicole.....he amazes watching him never gets old!

Fave MEMEs of the Week

Cousins Play Date

My Mom organized a fun play date for the cousins on her side- she and her brother and sister, along with their grand kids all got together.  My girls had a ball and I got to see their fun through the pics they posted!!  I could squish them all! :)

The Twins!  We have lots of twins on my mom's side :)

Date Night!

Kayla and Marshall got us a gift card to Landana for Christmas.  Before my detox diet started, we took full advantage and had a lovely night out!

New Year's Eve

We had one of our fave New Year's Eves ever.....dinner at a local and very funny Chinese Restaurant...complete with MANY laughs....and then some fun back at our house including a kids' toast with sparkling cider...very lucky to have the village we do!

and I needed to snap a pic of my NYE outfit because I loved it so I have written before...sometimes an outfit just comes together and it's a win and I LOVE those times- ha ha!!!!

Last Hoorah on New Year's Day!

Or as we dubbed it, "The Last Supper" before our detox diet started....completely indulged in apps, sliders and truffle fries and the signature cupcake at Copper Door...complete with yummy cocktails and then Wednesday, hell began ;)  Seriously though, it is all for good health....and love these ladies!

Back to Eating The Rainbow!


Eva was so excited when her Godmother Alice came over for a holiday visit....and next we are planning a trip to her beach house...there was love all around!

That's a wrap!  Ready to rock 2019!  How about you?


  1. Loved all your favorites this week!!! Seeing those summer prints next to your table wreath had me laughing ;) And your NYE outfit was PERFECTION!!!

  2. Ugh I am glad you are feeling better--stomach flu is awful!! Jealous of your Punta Cana trip--I need a warm and tropical vacation on the books to get through the winter!

  3. That New Year's outfit is EVERYTHING! You look like you had a really Good week!

