Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Happy New Year Friends!  Here is to an amazing 2019!  I am linking up with Anne and friends HERE to share what is happening "currently" in these parts.....

 Choosing: to Follow The Joy....again in 2019....and aim to not get weighed down by negativity or negative people
  Tidying: Our Home as we put away the rest of the Christmas decorations...always so bitter sweet
Resolving: To Meet my 2019 goals- losing 50 more pounds, hitting financial goals at work and spending less and saving more among other things!
Exploring:  Punta Cana- we leave in 7 weeks- exploring our resort on line and researching excursions, transportation, etc....the best motivating factor for the diet! :)

Refreshing: The diet- The "Clean Eating"/ "Boot Camp" program starts today- protein, veggies and limited fruit- no sugar, no alcohol, no carbs and regular exercise- sounds worse than it is- excited for the way I know I am going to feel!

What's happening with YOU currently?


  1. Healthy habits always sound worse than they really are but gosh so true, knowing how you're going to feel so much better is really the best!! I love how you're taking on 2019!

  2. UGHHH - I'm so delaying putting off the de-christmasing. I need to do it slowly. It's too overwhelming otherwise.

  3. Here from the Currently link up and I hear you on taking down Christmas. It just needs to happen but I don't want to do it yet! Your upcoming trip sounds so lovely, I could use a warm getaway!

  4. Punta Cana sounds incredible! We're heading to Puerto Rico. Time to start watching those calories! Happy New Year!

  5. Good luck with losing weight and being healthy - that's a big goal for me this year too. I lost a lot a couple years ago, but last year was more maintaining and kind of going up a little, so I need to get back on track so I can start losing some more and just feeling more physically fit!

    Have fun on your vacay. I'd love to go somewhere warm!


  6. Good luck on your goals Holly!! You can do it! We are getting into a healthier food and fitness mode in our house too.

  7. We've been to Punta Cana twice, and it is GREAT! Thanks for joining in this month :)

  8. I'm going to Punta Cana in two weeks! We should compare notes!

  9. Definitely Jess! Would love your tips- where are you staying?
