Tuesday, November 6, 2018

TBB Asks: Giving Thanks Edition

Time to linkup with the lovely ladies over at The Blended Blog for a fun little November questionnaire and this month's theme is a fave and something I am very passionate about...GRATITUDE :)

Check them out HERE
Here it goes....

1. Have I kept a gratitude journal? 
Yes...actually...on this blog...and I need to get back to doing those Gratitude posts!

2. Hosting Thanksgiving at our house?
YES and I cannot wait!  I love hosting Thanksgiving and all that it stands for...love having the entire family home and the coziness of it all

3. Favorite Food from the Thanksgiving Meal?
I would have to say the "Mashed Potato Bread Stuffing" ...you can find our recipe HERE 
(it's a family tradition from my side and it never gets old!)

4. What one thing in nature are you grateful for?

The ocean

5.  Pumpkin Pie yes or no?
Actually not one of my faves- I much prefer a pumpkin cheesecake- my mom always whips up an awesome one!

6. Traditional cookbook yes or no?
Yes...all the way...love good all standbys combined with new and funky recipes I pull off Pinterest 

7. Oven Baked Turkey or Deep Fried?
Oven baked because that is all I have ever had...I have heard that the deep fried turkey is awesome and would love to try it someday!

8. Thanksgiving Leftovers yes or no?  
Umm YES!?  We like to make a Thanksgiving Sandwich the day after with turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and a dollop of mayo- delish!

9. What is a household product you are most grateful for?

Lysol wipes!

10. Are you most grateful for home cooked meals or restaurant meals?

Home-cooked all....the...way....they always have some love sprinkled in :) 

What are your Fall Faves?


  1. That leftover turkey sandwich looks amazing. I am going to make those this year!!

  2. Let's chat soon about our gratitude link up. I am all in. Pumpkin cheesecake sounds amazing.

    And I am thankful for my blogging friends like you!


  3. That mashed potato bread stuffing has me intrigued and I love a good Thanksgiving leftover sandwich too!

  4. Start your gratitude journal & join up with me on Thankful Thursdays :)

    OH MY GOSH - mashed potatoes & stuffing??? It's like a carb heaven! & I'm down for it!!!
