Monday, October 1, 2018

Fall Weekend Recap

We are coming off the most relaxing Fall weekend in these parts....caught up on a year's worth of lost joke...9.5 hours Friday night....10.5 hours Saturday night and 7.5 hours last night....I call that a success!!  My body needed it...crazy crazy year....and I am feeling good and ready to rock these last few months of 2018!

Here is what our weekend looked like.....

Friday Night

Rob had a gig so it was me and the girls.  It was Friday Night Pizza and Salad night and catching up on our DVR.  Diana had Nutcracker rehearsal until 7 so Pidge and I picked her up and I promised them they could get McFlurry's...always puts them in a good mood :)  After that, it was an early night to bed and it felt great! 


Diana and I started our day with a power walk to and from the golf was a crisp, sunny Fall morning and I love catching up with my girl.  I sometimes miss my babies but moments like this when she bares her soul are priceless and help me to appreciate every age!  After our walk, it was time to hit Eva's soccer game.  It is hysterical watching these 4, 5 and 6 year olds play as they travel in packs at this age- so cute!  Eva's team keeps wiping out every other team too which makes us laugh even more :)

After soccer, it was time for some errands, Nutcracker rehearsal and painting the deck (well that is what Daddy's day looked like) 

I made a meat sauce for that night (kids fave and another night that I knew they would clean their plates) and since Diana was having a friend over for a sleepover, I also whipped up "Ghosts in the Graveyard" for a spooky Halloween dessert treat :)

Lastly, I got all of our inside Halloween decorations up and we put the finishing touches on our outdoor fall decorations....we have to be in the spirit now!

In the afternoon, I snuck out for an hour to meet my besties for a wine tasting at Chuck's- they were pouring some of our faves from TPW (The Prisoner Wine Company)...these ladies feed my soul....

After that, I picked up Diana from rehearsal and picked up her friend for a fun filled night....Daddy and I still got to bed early which was a miracle!


It was time for CCD and church and then Diana had softball.  Pidge helped me make a fun harvest snack mix for my work peeps and I got working on Sunday dinner- chicken, risotto and steamed broccoli,.

After softball, we got to go Apple Picking and the weather was PERFECT!   We had a fun little time picking different varieties and getting silly.  Later on, Daddy actually made his epic apple pie which we can enjoy soon!

Last night, Daddy had a gig, so it was another early night to bed for the was a perfect little restful weekend...what were you up to?


  1. Apple picking looked absolutely perfect! And now I'm craving Ghosts in the Graveyard ;) Glad you got to catch up on some sleep and are feeling refreshed for the week ahead!

  2. That Halloween dessert is so cute..and I have that same casserole dish! Glad you got some rest!
