Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Our 2018 Trip to Santa's Village and Story Land

So on Wednesday we headed to Northern NH...the White Mountains to be more specific for our annual vaca with the Graham Fam.

Wednesday was our day to visit Santa's Village in Jefferson NH. The weather was not cooperating- rain showers and then down pours but the good news is we got a half day in there and got a rain check to come back before the end of the year- we saw it as a blessing in disguise and will take the kiddos up for a day closer to Christmastime :)

We hit some must-sees while were there and still had SO MUCH fun and many laughs!  We (and when I say we it was mostly the kiddos and sometimes an adult or two) rode the carousel, the mini star blaster, the whip, the old fashioned cars and more...we decorated the most delicious gingerbread cookies, sucked down warm donuts, visited with Santa and punched our elf cards...got soaked and then took off for our hotel in North Conway

When we threw in the towel OR tried to find a towel, we snagged a rain check and then hit the road for our 45 minute drive to our hotel- The North Conway Grand.

Even though it was rainy and foggy, the mountains looked so cool during our drive...

We even saw a bear running into the woods at one point- eek!

Our hotel was right next to the North Conway outlets so to kill some time before dinner, we walked around, grabbed a snack and explored...of course I made the girls pose with some of the "wildlife" ;)

BFF Bracelets for Diana and Alice

We hit The Muddy Moose for dinner the first night- it was nice and loud and the Bloody Marys were spicy AND yummy 

 After dinner, it was time to tire the kiddos out so it was their all time favorite, pool time back at the hotel!

We wrapped up the night by feeding them sugar- hey!  The hotel was having an ice cream social so they took full advantage!  I snapped some pics from the rec room where the ice cream party was...aren't they cute?  They captured all of the special areas of our state of NH!

 Thursday it was time for Story Land!  We headed to breakfast downstairs and then hit the road so we could arrive just as the park was opening.  Thank God the weather was so much better...it was warm and sunny and just perfect and we DID IT ALL!

The sun was shining on the mountains-it was a glorious day!

Annual Obligatory Story Land Kid Pic!

Always love looking up at the mountains in the background :)

even Eva went on the Polar Coaster- I thought she would freak out but she was just proud of herself :)

We bumped into friends in the ball dome (that's what I call it)...Eva was being shy ;)

These weeping willows reminded me of the big one in our yard when I was growing up...blowing in the breeze...a true sign of summer :)


After a full day in the park, we headed down the road for an early dinner and hit The Red Fox Grille again- love it there and always rely on Jill to make the best recommendations- the meal did not disappoint and the best part is that there is a separate play and movie room for the kiddos so they played before and after they ate!

After that, we headed downtown to grab some ice cream and have the kids run around in the park- because they obviously hadn't run around enough that day-geesh!  Wish I had half of their energy!  

My goofy friends- love them

 We made it an early night as we headed home early the next day.  LOVE this tradition and the kids had the time of their lives!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh these both look like SO MUCH FUN!!! What an awesome trip and even better that now you have an excuse to go back ;)
