Friday, June 1, 2018

Friday Favorites

Yeah yeah for Fri DAY!

Linking up with the lovely ladies, as always, HERE

Here are some faves from this week.....


 Sent this to Lea this week...pretty much had us rolling on the floor because it is SO TRUE...ha ha!!!

and the biggest tool of the season goes to.....who is with me????


Patriotic Bobbles

Kate's Face....

Moments of the Week

Bus Stop

Flip Flops

In Bloom



  4th Grade Band Concert!

Book Club with Our Very Own Live Flight Attendant :)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Your book club looks WAY too much fun! Love the themes:) Hope you have a fun weekend!

  2. OH my!!! So many funny pictures- the seatbelt one and the one with Kate cracked me up!!!! It has been quite a week for us but a little humor goes a long way. Thanks for the giggles! Have a great weekend!

  3. Your memes this week have me in stitches LOL! And to cool to have a live flight attendant for your book club ;) Have a fab weekend Holly & fam!
