Monday, April 30, 2018

Weekend Recap and Hello Monday!

So....I am linking up with the lovely ladies HERE
for Hello Monday!

We had a fun but fairly relaxing is what it looked like


Quick lunch with besties- photo courtesy of Sam

That night, since my Godfather and his wife were in town, we had them over for dinner and my parents joined us as well.  I don't get to see them much anymore since they moved to Florida but we made up for lost time.  The stories were flowing, the laughs were abundant and my heart was glad we got to have this special time together.....


Rob brought Diana to her softball practice and Pidge and I just chilled.  I know what is that??  I have been pinning ideas for the menu for her party next weekend and I also got through my 2nd book for April- Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis.  Pretty good self-help book.  I am excited, however, to dive into our May Book Club book which is The Flight Attendant- stay tuned!

 That night, the girls had a fun sleepover adventure night with Papa Bob.  Daddy and Mama had some fun plans.  Rob's band got a gig at the Fisher Cats Game (they are one of the minor league baseball teams for the Toronto Blue Jays) and they play at the local Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester NH.

Rob's band, Random Acts, got to play for the hour before the game and he was given four tickets to the game and for a private luxury box.  He announced it while we were on vaca and invited the Batsons and me to be his guests- we laughed because I found out about it the same time they did- hysterical!

Anyway, that is what we did and we had a blast.  Mike and Lea picked me up and we went and sat outside (and may I add that the weather was PERFECT!)  We enjoyed the band and then when they were done, the four of us headed up to the luxury box.

We had so much fun.  The stadium provided us dinner which was such a fun surprise and we enjoyed the game from the box.  It was such a fun and unexpected night and the weather just added to the excitement!

Rob even got interviewed on the radio!  Mike, Lea and I left around 10 and he stayed because the band was playing at the end of the game too.  What a fun night!


After mass and groceries, it was time for more chilling and planning for Eva's party.  It was a record day of binge-watching Rise and enjoying some wedding movies (my favorite!)

Then it was time to get ready for the gym again and try on my new Lululemon top!  It is keeping me motivated :)

That's a wrap!  What were you up to?


  1. What a FUN Saturday night! I love going to some of the minor league ball games and how cool that the band got to play too!

  2. It looks like you had such a fun weekend! Saturday night looked amazing! Hope you have a great week!

  3. Awesome weekend. A skybox is so fun!


  4. I keep hearing about The Flight Attendant Book—let us know!! Love your LUlu top:)
