Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday Favorites (NH Winter Wine Week Edition)

Hello Everybody and YEAH for Friday!!  Who is with me?

Linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea HERE

Here are some faves from this week....

L'occitaine Almond Shower Oil

Oh My GOD friends, this one is a winner.  I learned about it through this wonderful blogging community AND it is exactly what my skin needs in the winter.  I don't know about you but my skin tends to be dry all year AND the winter just makes it worse.  This shower oil is so incredible.  You rub it on and it actually foams up and when you rinse off, you really feel like it has sealed in the moisture AND bonus is that it smells pretty good too- give it a shot- I got my bottle on Amazon (where else?)

Carry On

and while we are on the Amazon subject, I scored this practical and adorable carry on there too- so psyched to be able to wheel this bad boy through the airport instead of lugging a heavy duffle that ends up bruising my arm ;) 

Work/Life Balance
Yes...we keep fighting for the balance...the struggle is real but I feel grateful and blessed that I am able to try to achieve this.  This shot is of our Monday morning craziness...Pidge heading off to school (with her backpack that is bigger than her) and Mama heading off to a big client visit in Boston...we are making it happen!

The Girls' Room

The girls' room is one of our winter projects.  We are going to paint and purge like there is no tomorrow.  Anyway, in the meantime, I chuckled at the sign that Diana made for them.  It lists their names and their passions.  What cracked me up on Eva's?  Yep...FOOD!  Classic :)
(and what makes me cry is the sign at the bottom that reads "Together Forever, Apart Never" Oh My Heart)

New Hampshire Winter Wine Festival

As you know I am not a fan of winter for the most part.  The NH Winter Wine Festival, however, is always a bright spot in our long cold January.  It is the one night all year where winemakers from all over come and offer their wines at the most discounted prices.  We (my girls) have so much fun tasting various wines and meeting the wine makers and reps.  It is almost as good as the Newport fest BUT the food is lacking.  So this night, is the night where we have winter fun and pick up some wines to stock up!

 Beth Ann with Winemaker Michael David!

A few of us with John, the awesome rep, from Michael David- he made our night and was such a great host! 

Alison a.k.a Al always taking off on us- we spotted her across the room so I zoomed in and snapped a pic ;) 

My neighbor Chris's sister Shauna is the bomb.  She is the regional rep for J. Lohr, my favorite wines of all time.  We snapped this funny pic to send to him :)

BA and I with Cynthia Lohr of J. Lohr- can you say fan-girling???? 

At the end of the night, grabbing salads at Old School and agreeing that we are getting old....hence the flashlight and glasses...hysterical! 

and it still stands true today.....

 and I am realizing this...makes me so sad but it is so so true...just time to move forward

Hope you have a great winter weekend!


  1. Oh my heart, that sign on the girls' room!!! Sisters are the best :) Love your wine night too. I just recently won a couple bottles of J. Lohr wine in a white elephant exchange - can't wait to try them now!

  2. Oh my goodness that wine festival looks like so much fun! I hear ya..winter is rough!!

  3. Holly, that shower oil sounds amazing! And the wine tasting looks like a great time. Hope you have a good weekend!
