Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Workin' It Wednesday: Getting Ready for the Holidays Edition

So this year, all bets are off. After losing a week during Christmas season, I am a bit behind.  However, when you are responsible for holding Christmas together and getting it all done, you rally.

Here are a few things I do each year to get ready for the Christmas season.  Linking up with Erika and Shay HERE

Christmas Cards

We take our family picture Thanksgiving Weekend so I can take advantage of the Black Friday card sales on Shutterfly,  I get the cards ordered on Black Friday and they are in early so I can start sending them out!


I look at the calendar and figure out when we are going to take part in our annual traditions: Annual Holiday Recipe Exchange, Jammie Christmas, Visiting the Cemeteries, Visiting loved ones, Stone Zoo Lights, Festival of Trees, baking and LOTS of Hallmark movies :) 


I usually get the girls nice dresses (that match) on Ebay or online somewhere.  Christmas Eve is the first time they will wear them and then they will wear them again for the Wolverines Awards Day AND even again at the Daddy Daughter Dance in early spring.  This year, I got their dresses even earlier so they could wear them to the bat mitzvah we attended during Thanksgiving Weekend. It is nice to know that part is already done! 


I am usually done by now but this year, this is what I am struggling with.  I need to finish buying, getting all of the stocking stuffers and wrapping.  My goal is to get it all done this weekend- fingers crossed!

How do you prepare for the holidays?


  1. Your daughters' dresses are so cute!! Where did you get your plaid top?! Love it!

  2. Thank you Jaclyn! That plaid top was J Crew last year :)

  3. Love your plaid and black outfit! Tres chic.

