Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Scenes from Christmas Weekend 2017

It was a beautiful Christmas Weekend.  When I say beautiful, I mean the feeling I get when I think about all of the quality time spent with family and friends...participating in old and annual traditions and starting new ones.

My heart is full...I am grateful and I wanted to share some snapshots with you today.  Selfishly, I love looking back on these posts too when I need a little pick me up..especially during the long, cold winter in these parts ;) 


Our company was closed but when you are a recruiter, you are never really off so I spent the morning working and making sure that every opportunity is continuing to make progress.  The kids had no school- it was a snow day- but the plows kept up with the roads and I agreed to meet some besties for an impromptu lunch at Red's.
Had to wear my festive reindeer tee of course ;) 

and the last site before leaving...she squishes my heart always!

We started with a festive cocktail before moving on to our beloved truffle fries and double stack tomato salad...yummo!

That night, Rob and I met Lea and Mike for our planned holiday dinner and gift exchange.  The roads weren't great as the storm continued but we took it slow and met at my favorite restaurant Surf, in Nashua.  We chose that because Rob had a gig after right down the street.  Lea and Mike were kind enough to bring me home.  We had a ball and another amazing meal.

Before leaving, I snapped a few shots of Zach and the girls.  He was a great brother and agreed to watch them while we were out.  They didn't really cooperate even after he gave them hot chocolate with whip cream and put on Home Alone for them to all enjoy.  They were off the wall thinking about Santa...sigh...(these pics are deceiving because this was snuggle time right before we left for the restaurant)

At Surf- their famous Crispy and Warm Tomato and Bacon Salad- To Die For!


We started with a festive breakfast.  This was so un-planned but I got inspired and started channeling my mom.  I made the girls reindeer pancakes and they loved them and ate every last bite!

This was the day we decided to visit the cemeteries.  We do this every Christmas season.  We go to visit Rob's grandparents in Chelmsford, My Grandparents and Aunt and Uncle in Malden, My Grandparents in Winchester and then my cousin in Wakefield.  It is always a somber day but we feel it is a great tribute and something we kind of look forward to.  The weather was awful.  It was freezing rain so we had to take it slow and it ended up taking us most of the day.   Regardless, we are happy that we did it and the girls were great in the car- snapped a picture of "The Christmas Pidge." I can't stand it!

That night, Laurel and Tom had an impromptu holiday gathering.  It was so elegant and such a blast to hang with besties- so festive and relaxing and the kids had a ball putting together their "shows," etc.

This is my favorite house in Windham and I get to see it when I am on my way to Laurel's- it was actually Rob's idea to take this pic.  The house is EVEN BETTER decorated for Christmas :)

The Hostess with the Mostest

BFF and Sister I Never Had Cass
We stepped out of the house to get some fresh air and looked at the lights...and then decided on some silly selfies ;) 

We really enjoyed having some fun in Laurel's wine cellar- it is incredible!


Sunday- Christmas Eve

One of my favorite days and nights all year!

During the day, I made my calamari dish for Auntie Peggy's for our big fish feast that night!

We surprised the girls with a gift each from us- Mama and Daddy.  Diana's gift was Taylor Swift tickets that a friend snagged.  She was speechless and that never happens ;)

Eva's gift was the Pink Stuffed Dinosaur she requested-too cute.  We also snuck in some Hallmark of course.  Rob tried to help the girls put together their gingerbread house but it was a major FAIL and I actually got a video of some of the hilarity of it all!  Check it out! 

 Diana wrote "Relf", our Elf, a nice little note so I had to take a picture of it.  This was Relf's big send off...

We headed to mass in the afternoon and Eva was chosen to bring Baby Jesus up to the altar and put him in his bed.  Rob helped her and it was so precious- I cried of course.  After mass, we headed to our cousin's to spend some quality time together.  We loved catching up with Donna, Michael and Juanita.

After this visit, we headed over to Auntie Peggy's across town for my favorite- our fish feast and time to catch up with all the cousins on my Dad's side. (wish I had snapped more pics!)

My Dad with Baby Maggie- beyond precious 

When we got home, we tucked the girls in and got to work.  The big kids met us at home and everyone settled in for a snowy Christmas.

It was definitely a white Christmas. We got 8 inches of snow that started to fall overnight and into Christmas Day.  The kids were beyond thrilled with their gifts and we all had a ball while Eva performed for us!

One of my favorite things is having all of the kids home....especially on holidays...we enjoyed Christmas coziness and breakfast together as well as visiting with Papa Bob and Grammy.  It was a tough one.  Grammy was very emotional.  We hate to see her suffering- very difficult.

The guys were awesome- they all helped Rob outside as he cleared the driveway, paths and cars so we could all get out.  Love these boys!

That afternoon we headed to Mimi and Papa's.  My mom outdid herself with a spectacular Christmas dinner and the girls' favorite gifts. 

Had to snap a pic of her homemade lobster bisque- it was incredible and that was only our first course!  We enjoyed a beautiful tenderloin dinner after that :)

 On our way home last night, we stopped in at Cass's for awhile- she always hosts Christmas for family and friends.

Grateful...again...that is what stands out in my mind this Christmas season.  

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a fun Christmas!! I love hearing about your Gingerbread trials and your Christmas sounded so festive. Your mom is so adorable!!
