Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: Favorite Holiday Edition

It is time for another fun Show and Tell Tuesday.
Linking up with Andrea HERE

This week, we are talking about our FAVORITE HOLIDAY and WHY!!  


I love holidays and any reason to celebrate with my family and friends BUT I have to say, my favorite holiday all year is 4th of July or Independence Day.

I guess it is for a few reasons.  One, it happens to fall during my favorite season of the year- SUMMER.

Two, it symbolizes our freedom and the beauty of living in this country.

Three, for us, it means the beach, the water, fireworks, cookouts and being with our fam and friends! (My Happy Place)

We always celebrate by either going to a local beach town, finding parades and fireworks and just being with our peeps.  In the last few years, we have celebrated in Kennebunkport, ME, Portland, ME, Portsmouth NH and at home in Windham, NH :)

Did I also mention that lobster is at its peak in these parts?  Oh yes...grab your lobster and "steamahs" and settle in for a warm and blissful holiday in New England....if you decide to make the trip here, I can personally plan your trip so that you catch all of the must sees and experience the beauty of our home!

What is your favorite holiday?  I don't know about you but I am already counting down the days to next summer!

1 comment:

  1. I love 4th of July too! It's always the perfect weather around here!
