Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: A Day In the Life Edition

It is time for another Show and Tell Tuesday!
Linking up with the Andreas today!  Linking with Andrea at Momfessionals  HERE 
and linking up with Andrea at Living On Cloud Nine HERE

Although yesterday was a little out of the ordinary as it was Columbus Day, many things throughout the day were routine but it was one of those days that I felt truly "balanced."  Not overworked- not running around- just got it all done because I did not stress.  It was not technically a holiday at our firm but everyone and their brother was out of the office.  That can be frustrating but I got so much done AND was able to get to the gym AND spend lots of time with the fam.  One of those days when I go to bed and feel accomplished!  Here is what it looked like....

 Early morning prayers, devotionals and blogging.....

and then got some work in!

 While everyone was still sleeping, I snuck out to the gym!  It was a great class because three of my besties were there so we could be "tortured" together ;)

Back home, it was time to refresh my coffee and get into more work- everyone was still sleeping!

It was a Rainy Columbus Day so I made sure I took a few shots to share with you- when I take a moment to look out at the yard or the kitchen window...this is what I see...don't you love our scary window peeper?  :)

Once the littles were up, Robby B got them some breakfast while I was working...then it was time for coziness...it was just one of those days

I snuck meal planning in for the week and Rob did the groceries on his lunch. Then I fed the girls lunch and did the dishes.

A part of my Halloween costume came in for the Gala at the Castle...bet you can't guess who I am going to be.....

I pulled out this journal to share with Diana.  I bought it when she was two I think.  I feel it is time.  She asked me if we could go grab sushi together and talk.  She was really challenging this weekend and she knew it so she apologized and then she just wanted to talk about some choices she is struggling with associated with her extracurricular activities.  I was nervous but so happy that she came to me.  The journal got us off to a great start.....

and then we enjoyed sushi and lots of talking....so good for the soul...

When we came home, we all watched an episode of Glee together and called it a day....and it was a GREAT one!


  1. What a great day! Getting a workout in with your besties is the BEST! I miss summer time when I can do that! I love a rainy, cozy day! Your backyard is beautiful...the peeper not so much! :) That mother/daughter journal is awesome, have fun writing in it!

  2. Aww, what a nice day! Love that journal that you shared with your daughter!

  3. Thanks Jen! I miss summer too for so many reasons! Thank you Laura. So far so good- I think it is going to be a very healthy exercise :)

  4. Your window peeper...freaks me out! :)

