Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday Favorites (October 20, 2017)

Yeah!  It's favorite day of the week!
As always, linking up with Erika, Andrea and Narci HERE

Here are some faves from this week.....

The Weather
This beautiful Fall in England.  It has been in the high 60's, 70's and sometimes even 80's and I LOVE IT...I wish it would last all year...this is the most beautiful Fall I can remember (insert heart eyes emoji here)


 Notes from besties...aren't they your fave too?

My Baby?

 One of Diana's friends celebrated her birthday this week and her mom took a group of the girls to breakfast before school.  I love this picture and it makes me sad at the same time...when did she become old enough to go to breakfast with friends?  My gosh

Cheer Showcase
We had our cheer showcase this week and the girls did a great job- we were proud of their work

This pic is my attempt at getting artistic- ha ha!! 

and my favorite part of the night is that our family came to support Diana- all of her siblings- she was in her glory- Rob took them out for milkshakes after to celebrate- this Mama was asleep by 8pm- I know boooorrrring!!!  ;)

 Nail Colors
 I don't always have my nails done but it is time to paint my nails for cheer comp season and Halloween and such...going dark...but I go black or a shade of blue?  Decisions....decisions......oh so fun....


 Potty Training?

Well I can finally say we are making progress with Pidge...we must be the WORST potty trainers on this side of the Mississippi...Pidge is the easiest child EXCEPT when it comes to potty training...she is so resistant.  In the last two weeks, however, though there have been a few accidents, she has done pee on the potty several times a day.  We are working on the poop factor now- stay tuned and send positive vibes please!

Fall Outfit Inspiration 
Loving these looks.....

 Halloween Suprises
Love surprising my girls with little treats from time to time...these Halloween Beanie Boos were a big hit!

 Meme Of The Week

Not even funny....pain in my heart...

 Hope you have a great weekend friends!



  1. Love your favorites! For Halloween, go black! I'm actually usually a dark blue kinda gal, but it seems extra fun to do black for Halloween. :) Love those fall outfits too. And I have to say, that last meme is SPOT ON. I'm starting to become "mom" to my four-year-old, and it does make me a bit sad. Eek! Anyway, hope you have a great weekend!!

  2. Loving the navy nail option.

    Have a Good weekend,
