Wednesday, September 27, 2017

What's Up Wednesday (September 27, 2017)

It is time for my favorite linkup of the month- What's Up Wednesday!  We are answering the questions above.  As always, linking up with Mel, Shay and Sheaffer HERE

Here it goes....

What We Are Eating This Week

It has been unseasonably HOT here in New England.  It is strange to decorate for fall and Halloween with temps in the 80's BUT I will take it!  I am an "Eternal Summer" kinda girl.  Anyway, we kept dinners simple last week and we plan on doing the same this week and pretending it is still summer!  So....we are using the grill and grilling up some meat and making salads!

Monday- Steak with Coffee Rub and Greek Salad

Tuesday- Roasted Chicken, Brown Rice and Green Beans
Wednesday- Marinated Chicken Thighs and Garden Salad
Thursday- Citrus Shrimp Salads

Friday- Friday Night Pizza Night! 

What I'm Reminiscing About

My Babies...always...and how quickly time goes kills me sometimes.....Here is a look back at our "Halloweens"

What I'm Loving

These Summer Temps!

What We've Been Up To

Eva returned to gymnastics!

Mama attended the Richard Marx and Rick Sprinfield show at The Bank of American Pavillion in Gilford with her PTA pals!

Diana has been cheering her heart out!

and tried out for The Nutcracker...she got cast as a party child and is extremely excited!

We attended our first annual neighborhood block party!

Diana started taking Saxophone lessons

and though her school council run was not victorious, it was a family affair and we had a blast helping her!

We enjoyed celebrating Black Out Cancer Week with Friends

and attending the Falsetti's Oktoberfest!

and Mama and Daddy enjoyed the Newport Wine and Food Festival

and while we were away, the girls had an exciting weekend with Mimi and Papa Pete- complete with Halloween Cookie making!

What I'm Dreading

The S Word...with temps in the 80's I am sure we don't have to worry about it for another month or so but hopefully more...I just don't like it..plain and simple

What I'm Working On


What I'm Excited About

Our Risotto Night!  We are having friends over in a few weeks and having a sort-of contest where we will judge a few different risottos and have a fun night of food and games and I am sure plenty of laughs! 

What I'm Watching/Reading

Well, Vice Principals finally came back (insert Praise The Lord Hands Here) ;)

Dance Moms insanity continues....

Dancing With The Stars 25 just started- routing for Debbie Gibson of course!

Can't wait for the return of This Is Us and American Housewife this week too!

On Netflix, I LOVED LOVED LOVED Friends From College and can't wait for Season 2!

and finally, Diana and I are jumping into Glee- from the beginning- she is so obsessed with the theater, it is feeding that hunger.  I just mute the inappropriate parts or parts I don't think she is ready for.

I am reading....
Foul Play At The Fair by Shelley Freydont- so far so good!  I am loving that through blogging, I learned about some new fall mystery novels!

What I'm Listening To...

Believer is still on repeat around these parts...we originally dubbed it our Summer of 17 has now become our family song

and another recent fave is Attention by Charlie Puth

What I'm Wearing

This warm weather lends itself nicely to all things Lilly in these parts!!  

and I actually looked back at the dresses from Newport the last three years and you know what?  Yep!  Lilly all the way....


and this year, 2017

What I'm Doing This Weekend

Lots of cheer for Miss Diana- practice- a pep rally and a game and a dinner with friends mixed in!

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

All of the Halloween Fun....then as soon as Halloween night is time to turn on Hallmark!  Ha ha!!!

What Else Is New?

I love these two snuggle bugs :)


That is a TOUGH one but I would have to say This Is Us :)

So what have you been up to??  Can't wait to grab my coffee and read!


  1. Richard Marx, what a great blast from the past! How fun! I love all of your Lily attire, great colors and designs! You look beautiful! You Halloween throwback photos are awesome, so sweet! What a great post!

  2. Your little one and that cheerleading pic!! Love it!!
