Monday, August 7, 2017

Weekend Recap AND a Fun Link Up!

Friends- I am exhausted from a jam-packed weekend, BUT, I am up...I am awake...I am going for it is a short week for me!  We are heading to Santa's Village and Storyland for our annual trip on Thursday and I am taking a couple of vacation days (Praise The Lord). Anyway....I will still be a really can never unplug...and that's is worth it! on to this past weekend...are you ready?


I took a vacation day to help out at UCA Cheer Camp at St. Anselm's this weekend...I ended up working half the day but regardless, I was there.  This camp was so much better than it was last year- the coaching staff was AWESOME and the girls worked hard and got so much out of it.   It is a lot of fun but it is a lot of work and I am always happy when it is over.  Like anything else, you have some appreciative parents and some who don't even think about saying thank you at all- that's the disheartening part (especially when you are taking care of their precious littles and making sure they are ok, safe and happy but that is a story for another day)

Diana stayed over night all weekend- I just helped out during the days- remember part time coach?  ;)

We snapped a few pics
Diana and Alice getting settled into their room

and the poster they made for their dorm room door

Team Pic!

 After lunch, Lea and I took off so we could get ready for the big gala that night.  Remember our town's birthday I talked about?  Windham is turning 275 and there was a big gala at the castle that night. 

I got home, got some more work done and then got ready for the big night.  We were obnoxious with selfies and such and had a great time.  Check it out....

and while we were at the Gala, our Cheer Director, Laura, sent me a pic of Diana along with some great news.  She won best jumps in her D10 division- yeah!

Lea and I were up bright an early- we stopped for an iced tea and we were back up at St. Anselm's at 7:30 a.m- so tough after a late night but could not let the girls down!  This was the longest day- lots of work for the girlies.  They learned a few cheers and a dance and then they also learned the All American Cheer and All American Dance- so much material- they were all coming undone at different points.  As a coach, you are also a psychologist and doctor at times- it doesn't end.  Anyway, the UCA coaches were awesome- we got so much attention and assistance this year

After lunch, Lea and I stayed a little longer (until about 2:30) when Coach Brittney would be relieving us.  The girls along with Coach Laura, Kelly and Brittney would then work on their routines until dinner- like I said- long day!

That night, I headed over to Cass's with some friends for dinner and lots of great wine...and another wild game of this time, I was fried...two late nights in the middle of cheer camp...sometimes I think I am still 25...ugh!  Again, so worth it- all about being with the peeps.  Cass made us an amazing dinner and Caden made one of his incredible desserts- even though we are "boot-campers", we all indulged in a brownie for dessert!

Oh and this shot I call, "how many men does it take to put up a t.v?"


It was show day!  Again Lea and I were at St. Anselm's by 7:30 a.m.  We headed to breakfast with the girls and then it was time to clean up the routine and practice until we headed to the field at 9am so we could practice with the rest of the teams and put the dance to music.

The parents all started arriving in the stadium at 9:15 and then it was smooth sailing- again this camp was so much better organized this year!

The girls did a great job with their cheer and their extreme routine.  I taped both...check it out!

They won first place in their division for the cheer!

Then four of our girls were named UCA's "All American Cheerleaders" and we were so proud of Diana- she made it for the 2nd year in a row! 

It was a busy weekend full of both hard work and fun.  I love the memories but I am glad it is over.  Yesterday afternoon, I took a super-powered nap and caught up on some rest (even if it was just a little bit) 

Now for a fun linkup!
The Blended Blog hosts a monthly linkup where we get to share some faves.  This is my first time participating! 

Linking up HERE

This is "The Blended Blog Asks: August Edition"
Here are the questions

and here are my answers....
1. Ocean- love them all but the Ocean has my heart :)
2. always I am an "Indoor Girl"
3. Phish Food
4. Workout clothes typically which are tees and yoga pants
5. Iced Tea/Iced Coffee
6. I rather be can always cool down
7. Sandals- flat ones
8. Skirts/Skorts!
9. SUN...all the way
10. Water
11. Watermelon for fruit and Corn On The Cob for veggie
12.  Sunrise
13. Walk
14. Winery
15. Garden
16. Music in the Park
17. BBQ Chicken
18. Patio
19. New England Beaches
20.  Big/small theme park- Canobie Lake Park in our backyard!
21. On The Rocks
22. Popsicle
23. Hamburger...with fun toppings of course!

These are just some of my summer faves :)


  1. You guys looked great at the gala! Congrats to Diana! Have a great week!

  2. You looked gorgeous at the gala! I did the UCA camps as a kid and remember how much hard work it was. Props to Diana for working so hard and accomplishing so much. She is just like her Mama!

  3. I LOVE your hair! Thanks for linking up with us on TBB

  4. I'm with you on the New England beaches! I also said the same thing for my favorite summer fruit/veggie. Give me all the watermelon & corn!!

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
