Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Our 2017 Trip to Santa's Village and Story Land

So...we just got back from our 2nd Annual Trip to Santa's Village and Story Land with the Grahams.

I thought today was the perfect day to re-cap our trip for you.  It is Tuesday Talk day with Erika and Ashley.  It the day we chat about anything we want and participate in the linkup.  So here goes nothing!  Linking up HERE

This year's trip was even better than last year's for many reasons!

Buckle up...going to take you on our weekend ride....brace yourself for many details and an obnoxious amount of pictures! (Would you expect anything less?)


We drove straight up to Santa's Village this year.  Our plan was to spend Thursday there and that is what we did.  It was sunny and hot...but not too hot this year.  The weather really cooperated!

Driving up...I couldn't help but snap a few pics of the beautiful White Mountains.....

 (Pictures don't do them justice)

Once we got there, we went into the main entrance and met up with the Graham Fam.  We took some obligatory family photos...or tried to anyway! ;)

and then we were off!  The kids picked up their punch cards so they could find the elves across the park and punch a hole for every elf.  At the end of your day, you can turn your card in for a prize.

We hit several rides including some of our faves like the polar roller coaster, the sky ride, the kids whip the antique cars and of course the flume....and more....picture overload coming right at ya....

 We fed the reindeer!

Look who made Santa's NICE list?!

 We got measured!

Took a few more obligatory pics!

and then the kiddos turned in their cards for their prizes, which were certificates and pencils!

After that, it was time for dinner.  We drove the 45 minutes to get to the area where we would be staying (and near Storyland AND to our favorite restaurant up there!)  We headed back to The Red Fox and it did not disappoint!
There is a separate playroom for the kids- it has games, crafts and they play movies- FTW!  The adults sat down and decompressed and then we all enjoyed an awesome meal (and yummy drinks).  I certainly went all out with my food and drinks and such this weekend but I let myself have the break for vacation purposes and I really enjoyed!  (Exhibit A)

If you are ever in the area, you need to check out the Red Fox.  See them  HERE

After dinner, it was time to head to our hotel which was 10 minutes down the road.  We stayed at The Attitash Grand Summit Hotel.  Friends, I cannot say enough good things about this place.  It was so family friendly and kid friendly and friendly all around.  Our breakfasts were included and the pool and hot tubs were incredible.  We definitely want to go back here.  We highly highly recommend this place.  It is so close to Storyland too...as well as some outstanding restaurants!  Once we checked in, we all called it a day and crashed!  We loved our little suite that we got too.  Check out the hotel HERE


On Friday morning, we all met downstairs for breakfast and then we headed outside to the pool and hot tubs.  It ended up being another beautiful day!  We swam our hearts out and relaxed outside and then we got our lunch and ate by the pool as well.  It was such a fun day!

 After lunch, we headed back to our rooms to rest and freshen up and then we hit Story Land at 3pm.  That is the magic time.  If you check in after 3pm, you can come back the next day for free- FTW!

We spent a solid three hours seeing all of the fairy tale sites and enjoying some rides!

(Captured the same pic from last year- hope to make this an annual tradition!)

The Ball Dome was a BIG HIT with Eva!

(Might I add that we received the emails from our school district that would let us find out who the kids got for teachers- Jill and I were maniacs trying to answer all of the questions online from our phones and figure it out- the girls were getting us stressed and the guys were looking at us like we were crazy...I will never forget how we were making our way up to Cinderella's Castle while finding out teachers!) ;)

Once the park closed at 6, we headed out to dinner.  We ended up at a little place called The Margarita Grill- not far from our hotel!  It was an hour wait.  After going back and forth, we decided to wait it out and the kids did really well.  We were so glad we did.  It was AWESOME- authentic and delicious Mexican food, terrific margaritas and lots of fun.  Check them out HERE

Jill and I got one of their specials, "Blackened Scallop Street Tacos".  One word?  Outstanding!
We also loved the guac that we started with :)


We were up bright and early and met downstairs for breakfast and then it was straight to the park.  It looked like it was going to rain so we did not mess around- we got down to business early and spent a good three hours seeing everything we didn't get to the night before!

Someday we will laugh right? ;)

and we ended with a water ride- of course I covered the hair- would you expect anything else?  ha ha!!!  I laughed so hard...we had so much fun....

 Until next year....I am already excited! 


  1. What a blast!! LOVE the pics in the beginning of Eva's "I'm not going to smile", lol!!

  2. So fun! Both parks looked totally geared for your kids' ages. Love that you got to pet a reindeer!

  3. What a weekend! I LOVE LOVE LOVE taking the kids to fun places like this. Everyone has fun and by night they are wiped out. So many memories for everyone. I'm glad you had a great time.

  4. OMG It looks like you had so much fun. I love Christmas. I am going to have to look into doing a road trip out there to check it out.
