Monday, May 15, 2017

Weekend Recap (May 15, 2017)

It was a fun-filled Spring weekend here in New England...we had to deal with heavy rain and winds all weekend but even despite the weather, it ended up being a weekend full of quality time with friends and family- my favorite.....


Rob and I took a short lunch break with Pidge and headed over to Old School...yes of course I got my favorite lobster spinach salad :)

Friday Night

My friend Beth Ann was celebrating her birthday with a family photo shoot.  She also asked the photographer if she could get a couple of shots with her besties.  The photographer obliged and we all met at the town common.  It was so much fun.  I CANNOT WAIT to see the shots...As you know pictures are some of my favorite things in the world! 

Right from there, we hopped in the car with the Batsons and headed to Fenway for the Red Sox game.  The Windham PTA held a fundraiser and got us discounted tickets so we thought it would be the perfect time to take Diana to her very first Sox game and let me tell you, she had a BALL! (It was also Brooks' and Mike's first Sox game too- so much fun!)

Melissa and Me (PTA Pals)

and check it out...the one...the only....Sweet Caroline at Fenway...nothing like it!

Though the Sox lost 5-4, it was a great game and we had a blast....and we all had our fill of Fenway Franks, Peanuts, Popcorn and Such :)


Our little fam got to spend some quality time together without rushing around...that never happens!  We all headed to Eva's gymnastics class to watch her.  Then we did some errands....and snagged Diana a fidget spinner which she has been begging us for...are your kids hooked yet?

After that, Rob did some yard work and I enjoyed watching the movie Mother's Day.  Have you seen it?  It is really cute!

Then we were all supposed to go to CJay's graduation party but Daddy mixed up the time...Mama was devastated but pulled herself together.  We divided and conquered.  Daddy took Eva to the party...Mama got Diana all squared away at her lacrosse party and then Mama headed over to BA's for some therapy...thank God for girlfriends like sisters who have talked me off the ledge a time or two.  Would be lost without them


Mother's Day....We did it all....

We went to mass...some of us with sunglasses ;)

We visited with Grammy

Mimi and Papa took us to brunch in Cambridge and then we headed to their house to play an old favorite "Zilch"

and then we un-wound at home and watched some movies.

Blessed for sure!


  1. Always a busy lady! You look so sweet in the pics of your girls. You can tell they just adore you.

  2. That portrait of you and your girls in that picture is so adorable! How much fun to go to a first baseball game! Hope you had the best Mother's Day!
