Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday Favorites (April 21, 2017)

Yeah Yeah!  It's is Friday again- Praise the Lord!
It is also the start of our spring break and we are off on a road trip!  Can't wait to recap for you next week!
For now, linking up with Erika, Andrea and Narci HERE 

Keeping my favorites from the week brief as we are getting in the car as soon as I post this!

Cheer Fun

A professional shot from the East Coast Classic in Providence- so proud of my little monkey! :)


and this week, Diana had her first private lesson with Coach Kristina- we are so excited that she has joined ECE and we know Diana will learn alot from her.  She had me video a stunt last night :)

Easter Weekend

We had so much fun.  I loved spending so much time with my mom. This picture cracks me up because no one is looking at the camera AND Diana's face looking at Mimi's prosecco is classic!


and it is finally warm enough to walk outside again- yeah!
Pidge and I enjoyed a walk listening to the Trolls soundtrack :)

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Have a fantastic trip, can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. Love the cheerleading photo! That's awesome. :) I would never have had the skill or fearlessness to be a cheerleader when I was younger! lol

    Glad you had a nice week, and Easter!


  3. My kids have had the Trolls soundtrack on non-stop, and I wish the Simon and Garfunkel song was longer! Have a fun and safe trip!

  4. Have a great trip! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  5. I am so happy that it's nice enough out for outside walks too! Loving those evening strolls!
