Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday (My Favorite Kid Parties)

Andrea's Topic for Show and Tell Tuesday really spoke to me this week!
She charged us with talking about our favorite kid parties
Linking up with Andrea HERE

This is one of my favorite things to do- put a party together for my girls- I love themes and I love getting creative.  I am not a creative person really but for some reason, I can dial it up a notch to put on a super fun party for my girls.

My favorite party that I put together so far was Diana's 5 year old birthday party.
We celebrated "Under The Sea"
You can read all about it HERE 
This is our little Ariel

and then the real life Ariel came to visit ;)
She sang songs and played with the kids and even did face painting- she was so magical

My favorite way to get creative is through food
and this snack had to be my favorite
A pepper octopus sitting on a bowl of hummus-cute right?

Clam Shell and Starfish Sandwiches
and Goldfish Caramel Pretzel Treats

"Ocean Rocks"

Rice Krispie "Sushi"

and a beautiful cake to match the theme

For decorations, I used ocean color cray paper and balloons to give the illusion of being "under the sea"

and we always dress in the colors of our theme- I know I know- can be obnoxious ;)

The goodie bags were beach pails stuffed with all types of treats!

and Ariel did most of the entertaining- it was definitely my favorite kid party I have thrown so far!

My close second was Diana's 6 year old party when we celebrated "Frozen Style"
You can check that party out HERE 

and as you probably surmised, Elsa and Anna did arrive and turned our home into a magical Winter Wonderland for the little girls :)

For the rest of my parties, go to the top of the blog.  There is a tab dedicated to all of the parties I have thrown my girls.  Enjoy!


  1. I love the sand pails for party favors!

  2. Love it! I'm with ya, love, love, love putting together themes and seeing what I can come up with. :)

  3. Okay, I really love that Under the Sea Ariel party...so cute! Love all the details!
    Yay for parties! :)

  4. This is so cute! My son wants a "fishing" themed party for when he turns 4. I'm totally going to reference this post for ideas. Thanks!
