Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday Favorites (March 24, 2017)

Yeah!  My favorite day of the week!
As always, linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea HERE

Here are my favorites from this week!

Fashion Faves of the Week

These espadrilles are ON POINT
You can still find them at Macy's HERE

and they pair perfectly with my kick crop jeans from Loft.  
You can still find some HERE

This week, I paired them with a sweater I bought about a year ago and never wore.  When I tossed it on this week, it became the perfect outfit with the jeans and espadrilles.  I am SO MAD I did not take a picture BUT maybe I will put it on again tonight and snap a pic for next week.   You know when you LOVE LOVE an outfit- every piece is just right?  That is what happened to me this week.
You can still find the sweater on Ebay and on Amazon HERE

I added my turquoise Kendra Scott Rayne Pendant and topped it off with my J Crew black puffer vest
I am telling you friends, an outfit FTW!
Find it HERE

and you can still find similar vests on Ebay like HERE 
(Keep in mind, mine is 7 years old!)

Lunch Dates

A definite fave of the week was meeting my besties for lunch- Monday with Lea at Old School (so of course got the lobster salad) and Wednesday with Cass at Red's.  We were SO GOOD with our salads- the double stack tomato salad with grilled chicken on it is delish!  Exhibit A

BUT when they started cooking with truffle oil and that is all we could smell our mouths were watering so we had to order not one but TWO orders of truffle fries- they melted in our mouths- we ate them so fast, I didn't even get a chance to take a picture ;)
We mapped out our September Newport trip for the Wine Festival while we were at it- it really gives me something to look forward to and work hard for

Cheer Comp Pictures

Well the ones I ordered from the first comp of the season, in Hartford CT, just came in and we LOVE THEM!  They truly show you are fierce Diana can be and how serious she is about this sport :)

And More Pictures

While we are on pictures...we have some funny ones of Eva this week too!

Celebrating St. Patty's Day at School- ha ha!
and playing dress up at home :)

and lastly, this girl LOVES to put her little hands in her pockets- I could just eat her right up! 
Cute right?  :)

Birthday Celebrations

Mid March and the beginning of Spring is always the time we celebrate our parents- my mom's bday is on the 21st and my father in law's bday is on the 22nd.
We had fun celebrating them both this week

We had my mom for dinner and cake and games and fun on Sunday!  The girls were very happy to celebrate with her :)

and my parents got to see the girls all dressed up for the Daddy Daughter Dance which was an added bonus :)

and then on Wednesday night, we celebrated Papa Bob.
We were going to do dinner and his favorite, ricotta pie, at home but my mother in law has been in the hospital all week.  It has been stressful and draining.  We decided to take him out to his favorite place, Lobster Tail, in town.  We had a ball and the new owners have really stepped it up there!  The menu is incredible!
Snapped a few fun pics :)

The last of the election victory was erased this week when we erased Rob's "Vision Board" so we could start meal planning again :)
One last look...this was a definite FAVE of the campaign :)  Daddy gets sworn in again tomorrow!  We are going in person to witness it this time- so excited!

and my final fave of the week is this....enough said

Have a wonderful weekend!  Ours is jam packed with all sorts of fun: a play, Daddy being sworn in, gymnastics, dance, my office coming over for dinner, pictures with the Easter Bunny and Diana's first lacrosse scrimmage......This is what life is all about


  1. Holy cow, look at the muscles on that girl! Love the pics! Have a fantastic weekend, ours isn't as busy as yours, but this is the last free wknd for about 6 weeks, yowsa!

  2. First off, have to tell you- I wore navy blue and blush together yesterday and loved it! That leprechaun and your mom's question mark candle crack me up! Have a great weekend!

  3. Busy week! I am loving that fierce cheerleader face! -Signed, A lifelong cheerleader

  4. Aw, those cheer photos are GREAT! Yay for some fun outfits. The shoes are too cute.

