Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Workin' It Wednesdays (How We Work On Our Marriage Edition)

It's time for Erika and Shay's Monthly Link Up
"Workin' It Wednesdays"
This month we were charged with sharing,
"How We Work On Our Marriage."
Linking up with Erika and Shay HERE

*This linkup could not have come at a better time as my hubby is traveling for business- absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder...I track his flights....I pine away for him...and what makes matters worse is that it is the dead of Winter here in New England- I wish this week away every year!  Ok...back to the linkup ;)
Here are a few thoughts......

They say, "Never go to bed angry." That is such truth!
We really make a practice of talking things out, even after we may have argued or yelled at each other.  We always calm down and talk things out.  We sometimes agree to disagree and that's ok.  We apologize, always, before going to sleep.

Eating dinner as a family.  I know this one may sound odd but I can't tell you how much it helps to catch up on our days- it reinforces the family foundation and just feels right.  When we can't eat together, something always feels off.  We plan around the kids activities, our volunteer responsibilities, etc, even if we have to eat earlier before everyone runs in different directions!

Date Nights.
In all honesty, these don't happen much but when they do, we always feel a re-connection.  Whether we are enjoying dinner together or a concert or even just watching a favorite show, while snuggling, date nights are a must!

Going to mass together.  Granted we go as a family,but keeping our Catholic Faith at the core of our lives has helped us to be stronger together; has ensured that our faith is at the crux of all that we do and gives us the strength we need to live life to the fullest each week.

So that is a little glimpse into the ways we keep our marriage strong.  It is never easy but it is always SO WORTH IT :)


  1. my husband really had us work on 'never go to bed angry' as well and it's so true. to start the day off in a bad mood because of a fight is never good and it really helped me to talk it out with him right then and there! Really enjoyed your post! I hope you can check my post out as well!

  2. Love your aprons! You guys are a great team!

  3. We're always working on the "never go to bed angry" - I always say this (and believe it!) and my husband does not agree. He needs time to think about it himself and deal with it... always a work in progress!!
