Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday Favorites (February 3, 2017)

I know everyone says it but I can't believe that Friday is here some points this week dragged and when I woke up this morning, I was like, "Praise the Lord!"


As always, linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea HERE 

Here a few faves from this week..... 

My girls....always

My hubby...of course...and all of the painting he has done in our is coming along...cabinets done and will be adding the hardware this weekend....window treatments being made and backsplash dude comes on Monday night...yeah!  So exciting but so in love with my hubby for making it happen for me! :)

Favorite Eats from this week included
The Whole 30 Buffalo Chicken Casserole- Find the Recipe HERE

The Paleo Crackers I have been snacking....Grain Free FTW!

and my newest obsession....because when I really like something I somehow become obsessed.
I am not proud to tell you that I have eaten this salad 4 times in the last two weeks!
It is at Old School Bar and Grill in our town.  Check them out HERE 
I wish I had a picture of it!  It is FAB.  I get it with oil and vinegar on the side and I have them put a scoop of lobster salad on top...friends...if you are local, go in and order this today!  You can omit the cheese and candied walnuts if you are following the Whole 30/Paleo lifestyle and it is still AMAZING!

Favorite "wears of the week?"
Check out my post earlier this week for my recent favorite tops HERE 
and with the return of Stitchfix came another top that I adore...for work AND play! :)

and my tribe...always a fave...blessed to have friends like sisters...when you don't have a sister of your own....this about sums it up!

Hope you all have an amazing weekend!


  1. That blue top is a great color match for you! And yes, always cherish our weirdos! Have a great weekend!

  2. Love that purple top!! And your kitchen.... it looks so good!! Can't wait to see the end result :) Have a good weekend!!
