Monday, January 30, 2017

Winter Overnight in Boston ("My that Dirty Water.....")

My friend Beth Ann, sometimes just known as "BA", is always on the lookout for great Groupons.  This time, she found one for the Hotel Commonwealth in Boston and suggested a couples' overnight in the big city.  We did just that on Saturday.
I LOVED it there.  Since it is right around the corner from Fenway "Pahk", everything is Red Sox themed.
Check out the hotel HERE

We had a blast!

Packing up- hubby loves my fur scarf ;)
Once we all checked in, we met up at the bar at Eastern Standard.  It is an awesome Boston restaurant that is located right at the hotel.
Check them out HERE 
Starting our afternoon/evening

After meeting up and relaxing for a little bit, we walked on over to Citizens Pub and Oyster Bar where we had our dinner reservations.  
It was fantastic!  Check them out HERE 
The oysters that us ladies shared were a definite highlight!

as were the Grapefruit Sparkler Cocktails (requested by us just like the ones we enjoyed at XO on Elm)
and I loved what I chose
Buffalo Cauliflower Bites

and Honey Ricotta Crositini

After dinner, it was time to bar hop and I never realized how the Fenway area is the best to do just that!

We hit up the Bleacher Bar where half of the bar literally overlooks Fenway Park!
Beth Ann insisted I get a picture of her getting carded- when you are in your 40's, that is always such a highlight- ha ha! ;)

We could only imagine watching a game from here...incredible!

The Whole Gang

This picture...I can't even....that is the men's room and that is where I am leaving this one

After leaving here, snapped a pic of the famous sign and Rob stopped to play drums on the street :)

After the bleacher bar, we made an additional few stops until we landed at Cask N Flagon.  Check them out HERE 
This stop was soo soo fun.  This bar is known to be a must-see if you are ever in Fenway and especially if you ever are heading to a Red Sox game.
Our bartender Matt was awesome!  We had so many laughs; danced a little and such....

Here are a few shots of fun.... fur scarf yet again.....

Our last stop was back at Eastern Standard at our hotel....
we are lucky to have such awesome peeps in our my tribe!

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I saw a Ritz version of those ricotta honey apps at Christmas- I would've never thought of that flavor combo and now I really want to try! Have a great week!
