Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What I Wore Wednesday (August 3, 2016)

I haven't linked up in so long with Lindsey at The Pleated Poppy but here goes nothing!  Linking up with Lindsey HERE

Lindsey started this link up to inspire herself to get out of her jammies and sweats and make an effort at least a couple of times per week.  Now she is inspired to try new things and experiment with fashion.

For us working moms, we are forced to put on our "biz cas" or suits at least a couple of times per week if not Monday through Friday.

I am blessed with being able to work a couple of days from home.  As a result, I usually put on business attire 2 days/week.  I have always loved fashion, however, and I am inspired by my mom who taught me how to be presentable when going out in public.  We call ourselves "clothes horses" because nothing inspires us more than beautiful outfits!

I still don't feel super comfy in my workout clothes in public but now that I am a mom, and most moms I know in town do it at least 5 days/week, I am getting there!

Here is a look back over the last week on my "fashion" if you will. This is "What I  Wore."

 Last Wednesday night was Diana's performance night.  My hubby argued with me about dressing up but I told him, "this is theater and people dress up for theater."  He was glad he listened to me.  I pulled out my Banana Republic Green Silk dress for the event and paired it with my gold espadrille wedges and Lilly pearl necklace (thank you Ebay!)
The dress is sold out as it is old but you can still find a few on Ebay HERE

On Thursday, I had a business lunch up in Kittery Maine (right on the coast). My candidate and I agreed that we would come in casual attire.  I threw on one of my Lillys and called it a day.  When I got home my girls attacked me so I needed to take a pic of this love- love the squishes- you can see a glimpse of the dress in this shot.  You can still find it HERE

Starting Friday, I was in "Cheer Camp Craziness" so it was workout clothes all weekend long.  The Windham Wolverines, however, always make sure we are dressed accordingly and offer the coaches and athletes such cute options.  Lea and I are here sporting our pink camp tees (which I love).

and Sunday night, it was time to freshen up and catch up with my college roomie (who is here all the way from France).  I threw on my Lilly Elsa top with jeans and we totally decompressed over wine, cheese and a yummy dinner.  ;) You can find several options for Lilly's Elsa tops on Ebay HERE

There ya have it.  This is "What I Wore" and I will try to participate in this link up more often.  Let's see if I will stick to it!

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