Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Pearl Jam!

Pearl Jam came to Fenway this weekend!  We bought the tickets back in February and it really felt that this day would never come.  I can't believe how fast these last 6 months have gone though.

Rob had seen the Rolling Stones at Fenway.
I had never seen a show at Fenway.  God knows I have been to several Red Sox games there and always love the atmosphere.  I was psyched that I would be able to see one of my favorite bands of all time in our historical ball park and in the home of my favorite sports team of all time.

They came...they played...they conquered.  They played for three hours straight and although most of the tunes they played were obscure and new, they played most of my faves and it was like not a day had passed since the good ole days at UMD.

We enjoyed experiencing this with our friends Laurel and Tom.

We started with a casual dinner (with peach sangria) at Scoozi down the street.  It was the only restaurant in the area that had available reservations.
It was a casual eclectic Italian pub and it was a fun way to kick off the night.  We thought the restaurant was great.  3 of us got awesome salads and Robby B got a funky burger.
Check Scoozi out HERE

After dinner, it was time to hit Fenway.  It was a five minute walk and so much fun to be in the concert atmosphere.

There was no opening act.  They came on stage at 7:30 and played for THREE STRAIGHT HOURS.  Eddie Vedder has not aged- seriously friends- he looks the same as he did when I was at UMD back in 1995.  He also sounds just as good-how is that possible?  Even though they are at the end of their tour, his voice was flawless.
Check this out- snippet from my favorite "Even Flow"

  Amazing show- amazing band- amazing night with friends!

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