Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday Favorites (July 29, 2016)

It is Friday!  It was a crazy week!  We are going to have an even crazier weekend at cheer camp but I need a few minutes to catch up on our favorite blog day of the week!

As always, linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea HERE

Here are my Friday Faves for this week!

Cheer Cheer Yeah Yeah!
The 2016 season started for us this week and I love my girls!  What a great group- they work hard, listen (for the most part) and love it!  It makes it so much more fun with a group like this

The Famous Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!  
It seems like every blogger I follow is posting her great finds.  The sale is still going on and you can shop it until August 8th.  Here are a few things I have been eyeing for Christmas gifts (and maybe a few for myself) ;)

My little Diva (as always) 
Really enjoyed her theater debut this week
What makes it so rewarding is that she was very nervous about this theater camp.  For months leading up to it, she had anxiety.  Well, she ended up having the time of her life and cried for an hour at bedtime last night because it was over- a part of me knew that in the end she would feel this way...warms my heart

My Little Pidge's new word/words 
"Bando" or "Bandi" for a Band Aid
I could just squish her!

Summer Eats!

Salads, Salads, Salads
Fruit, Fruit, Fruit
Fresh Fresh Fresh....Enough Said
I have a friend in town who is also a Health Coach- she has been awesome with sharing suggestions and recipes with me
I asked her for some fresh salad dressing ideas and boy did she come through- I don't think I will ever eat bottle dressing again


Wow am I on a blueberry kick.  Blueberries are at their peak in New England.
I have been exploring Pinterest for more savory blueberry recipes and I have hit the jackpot!
Last week my friend Brenda had a few of us over.  I decided to try this Balsamic Baked Blueberry Brie with Bacon- it was delish!  The only thing I would change is that I would not cut off the rind of the brie as it spread out a bit on the plate and made it less pretty but it was a definite crowd pleaser
You can find the recipe HERE

and I had lunch with one of my favorite candidates of all time.  I am actually going to miss her now that the placement process is over. We have agreed to stay in touch because we really clicked!
We had a wonderful lobster roll lunch at Bill's Original Kitchen in Kittery (Maine).  You should check it out!  Find Bill HERE

 and she brought me to tears when she brought me a special gift- these beautiful pearl earrings from a jewelry shop right in Portland where she lives and where my client is!

Hope you all had an amazing week!  Looking forward to our cheer camp this weekend but more looking forward to decompressing after with our friends from France!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your posts and how much you enjoy life!! You are also a role model for me, I am taking another job that is fulltime (I've always worked 4 days/week) and I've been freaking out about how I'm going to navigate everything. You make everything seem possible, lol! Do you take a day to plan everything so your week goes smoothly? I am a planner, but right now our weekends are cray cray, so I may be freaking out a little...
