Monday, June 13, 2016

Sweet Days of Summer Link Up

I was so excited when I learned that Brittney was going to do a Summer link up
As you may know, Summer is my favorite season.
Linking up with Brittney HERE

I grew up as a water baby- my mother called me a mermaid
I never wanted to get out of the water, whether we were at the beach or in our family pool
I can vividly remember the feeling in my lungs after swallowing too much salt water, or the sound of the buzz when I swam at the bottom of our pool- I loved the way the water looked and glistened when the sun hit it- I think of all of the wonderful summer memories I made- lilacs, popsicles, fireworks, playing with Seaweed dolls in the front yard and using the garden hose as their waterfall- barbeques, music and the smell of the charcoal grill.

Ahhh...pure bliss

I often recall the Berenstain Bears Almanac/Big Book of Science and Nature- the summer pages were my favorite
I just bought it for my girls so we can enjoy it together this summer and accomplish all of the suggested memories in it.

I thought for this linkup, I would share some Summer snapshots and memories from the last 10 years.  You will notice LOTS of beach time, dining al fresco and overall outside time!

Summer 2007

Girls Night at Atkinson Country Club- Love Dining Al Fresco

Family Vacation in Ogunquit, Maine

An overnight for me at my friend Cheryl's in Falmouth
Enjoying her beautiful daughter Mia before I had my own beautiful girls

Overnight in our favorite place (Portsmouth, NH) to celebrate our anniversary

A Birthday Dinner for my Dad-still goes down as one of the best meals I ever made- I was so proud :)

Summer 2008

My pregnant summer (pregnant with Diana)
We still managed to sneak in a 4th of July weekend in Portsmouth and Hampton

and Grammy and Papa met us in Hampton so we could take them out for their Anniversary!

Summer 2009

This was the summer that we celebrated Grammy and Papa's 50th Wedding Anniversary
They took us all, including my parents, to Old Orchard Beach in Maine for a week- it was a wonderful family week and Diana had a blast in the water!

and we made a trip to the beach every weekend per usual
This was our day at Plum Island, Newburyport MA

and we celebrated our 5 year Wedding Anniversary with an overnight to Boston- the rooftop pool at the Colonnade was a definite highlight!

We enjoyed St. Anthony's Feast in the North End of Boston with my parents, in August

and no summer is complete without a day trip to Rockport, MA

Summer 2010

I remember this one to be the best one weather wise since my childhood
Everyone would agree
We got so much outside time- dining al fresco, beach, water pad, farmers markets and overall great times with friends and family- and I need to mention that all Diana ate- all...Summer....long...was Corn on the Cob! :)

and this was the summer of our epic "family shell-fishing expedition" in Gloucester, MA- didn't go over so well but we have the fun memories to last a lifetime!

This was also the summer that Griffin Park Playground was being worked on and updated.
So this summer, we spent much time at Wonderland Park in town

Sharon came for a visit from France, with her daughter Maya.  Diana and Maya became fast friends and swim buddies - we enjoyed a day at Sharon's parent's house in Burlington

The Winchester Farmers Market pooped someone out!

We planted our first garden (at our old house) and it did really well!

and we wrapped up the Summer with a great trip to Story Land with Mimi and Papa!

Summer 2011

This was an exciting Summer.  Having landed a wonderful new job, I felt so excited all the time!

We enjoyed the Water Pad in Derry with our Dance Pals

 We took Diana to Canobie Lake Park for the first time and she had a ball of course!

and before I started my new job, we snuck in a long 4th of July Weekend and headed to Baltimore- Inner Harbor with my parents
We had a ball- especially cracking crabs at "The Crab Store" as Diana called it ;)

We ended the summer with an outdoor concert at Boardinghouse Park in Lowell
Rob took me to see Toad The Wet Sprocket for our anniversary- they were amazing!

Summer 2012

This was the summer that we moved into our dream home.  The summer started very stressful as we and my in-laws were crammed into our split level across town.  I am sure you know how stressful real estate is anyway.  We had two houses to sell (one being a short sale) and then the task of finding the right home for all of us.
With God's good graces and answered prayers to St. Joseph, we did it and it was all so so worth it.
Due to all of the work and moving, Rob ended up with a hernia and needed to have surgery.
We just needed a little more stress!  After his recovery, Diana and I surprised him with a weekend trip to Lake Winnipesaukee- we had a blast

We didn't get as much of the "ocean beach time" this summer but again it was so worth it!

Summer of 2013

We got in many more beach days and outdoor days in our new neighborhood
We also joined Sky Meadow Country Club to enjoy the pool and dining

We planted the Griswold Family Garden at Bedros!

Made friends with the neighbors!

Enjoyed a Red Sox game with the DiPrimas

Got this little nugget on her bike!

and Mama hopped on her "Beach Comber"

We ate lobster...mmmmmmm

and I took my favorite vacation day ever to boogie board with Diana at Hampton- we had the best day ever!

So many nights outdoors :)

and 4th of July at Sky Meadow with the MacDonalds

Summer of 2014

Eva was born that April so it was a low key summer for us and we did enjoy much outside time- maybe not as much as usual but we did pretty well!

We spent 4th of July weekend in Portsmouth and Hampton with Mimi and Papa

We celebrated Rob's campaign victory in the form of a Thank You BBQ for all of our friends and family who helped him get elected to the School Board

Sharon and Maya came for a visit and it was during the ALS Challenge so we filmed the girls doing it- we had so much fun!
and we wrapped up the Summer by celebrating our 10 Year Wedding Anniversary with a trip to Nantucket- it was romantic, beautiful and unforgettable

Summer of 2015

We spent a long weekend in Kennebunkport Maine with Mimi and Papa and had a ball!

 and we had the 1st Annual Hot Dog Hoe Down with the Grahams and Beans

and we took a week long trip to Dennis Beach on Cape Cod (or as we New Englanders say "Down the Cape") with Cass and her family. 

I cannot wait to see what this Summer brings- we can't wait for the beach and pool parties and cookouts...fireworks...Storyland....and even cheer season!  The possibilities are endless!

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