Wednesday, February 24, 2016

What's Up Wednesday! (February 2016)

It's time for What's Up Wednesday again!  I always link up with Mel, Shea and Sheaffer for the last Wednesday every month- so much fun!  Here it goes!
Link up HERE
What We Are Eating This Week

Have you tried Blue Apron yet?
I highly recommend giving it a shot.  It is an awesome service that delivers recipes with VERY FRESH meal ingredients in a refrigerated box to your home.
You pick the # of meals and how often and you can cancel shipments or cancel anytime.  We just started it, thanks to some advice from friends and we are really enjoying it.  What I like most about it is that it prevents us from getting in dinner ruts.  We can bank on two new meals per week and because you get a beautiful recipe card, you can make those meals in the future too!

The meals we have tried so far include 
Manhatten Fish Chowder (Great but we would cut the spices in half next time we make it!)
Find it HERE
and The BBQ Chicken Wings with Smoky Sweet Potato Salad and Cole Slaw (AWESOME!)
Find it HERE 

Then we enjoyed the Parmesan Provolone Pizza with a Broccoli Romaine Salad (OUTSTANDING!)
Find it HERE

and the Seared Steakhouse Salmon with Creamed Kale and Roasted Potatoes (We decided that the kale was the best part of this meal)
Find it HERE

and FINALLY to answer this month's question of what are we eating this week?
Geesh long-winded much? ;)

We will be having our usual grilled chicken breasts and salad one night, TJ's Chili Lime Chicken Burgers with salad one night, TJ's Mahi Mahi Burgers and broccoli another night and then our two Blue Apron meals for the week are.....

Pork Meatballs with Creamy Polenta and Broccolini

and Pinto Bean & Winter Squash Soup with Tortilla Strips

What I'm Reminiscing About
Past Town Elections
It is election season once again in Windham; I am working hard for what I think is right and reminiscing about the candidates I have helped in the past too.....

What I'm Loving

This very MILD Winter we are enjoying in New England this year
This week, it was in the50's and close to 60- it really felt like Spring!
Looks like we will be enjoying more lobster this Summer too!  For The Win!

What We've Been Up To

Some skating!!!

Soccer Casino Night- Such a blast!

Meeting celebrities at the Winter Wine Festival of NH- pictured here with Steve Lohr of J. Lohr Vineyards- dream come true!

Diana has been cheering up a storm
She is working really hard with her ECE Junior Frost Team (can't wait to see them compete!)
and working on her Back Tuck with Coach Kayla

Diana and Kayla enjoyed their Annual Trip to Disney on Ice!

Such fun lunch dates with new friends!

Valentine Festivities

Play Groups with Eva & The MOMS Club :)

Diana's Beach Day at School!


A Coffee Date with Mimi :)

and an awesome Mexican Dinner with Plenty of Margaritas with our dear friends at Plaza Azteca!

What I am Dreading

the one last snow storm or two that will most likely happen this winter
The weather has been so mild and beautiful....when I look out my front door, most of the snow is gone and it looks like early Spring...wish it would stay but dreading that word....N'OR EASTER....ugh!

What I'm Working On

My health...per usual
I have incorporated Shakeology into my life and I am actually enjoying it
Having shakes for breakfast and most of the time lunch and then a healthy meal for dinner
The days I know I am going to have a lunch meeting for work or a fun lunch date with my gal pals, I switch it up and do a shake for dinner

and I continue to exercise and try to hit my 10,000 steps a day so my Fit Bit does its happy dance!
My friend Lea encouraged me to join the gym with her and I can't believe I did it
She is awesome!  I agreed to do 2 classes/week with her and she even stands in the back with me
New friend and so glad we met!

What I'm Excited About! April...already planning activities and outfits of course!
Suggestions always welcome friends!  Cannot wait to have fun with friends and family
and cannot wait for the fun my girls are going to have!

What I'm Watching/Reading

I feel like not much has changed this past month

I am still watching my favorites including Jane The Virgin, Younger, Teachers, Dance Moms, Scandal....oh yea and my hubby and I have been watching the O.J mini series...have you seen it?  It is fabulous!

The People Versus O.J. Simpson

and I am still making my way through
The One and Only

What I'm Listening To
Lots of pop on Kiss 108, 90's hits on Serius XM 90's on 9, Kids Bop for my littles
and Jazz on the weekends

What I'm Wearing

You know I love me some Lilly pieces
I have been combining some old ones and new ones for a new twist
and couple them with my two favorite pairs of jeans
The high waist skinny jeans from Old Navy and the I.N.C curvy fit boot leg jeans from Macy's

First the Alida Top in Santorini Blue Deep Dive (I feel like I have worn this ALL winter)
The colors cheer me up when it is freezing out!

and because I loved the fit of this top so much, I snagged it in the other print that it comes in
So this is the Alida Top in Multi Sea Jewels

Both are sold out on the Lilly Pulitzer site but you can find them on other sites like 
In the Pink Online HERE 

I wore this one this past weekend- Exhibit A
(doesn't it go well with the margarita?) ;)
and my trusty jeans

from Old Navy

and Macy's

and this Lilly vest is 5 years old- you may be able to find one on Ebay 
I love this over some of my Lilly tops, sweaters and plain tees- I just love the color

and the Harp cashmere wrap (which you can still find)

It must be my good luck wrap because I was wearing it when I met Steve Lohr ;)
Exhibit B

What I'm Doing This Weekend

It is our last weekend of pretty much quiet family time, for awhile at least.
We start traveling on weekends for Diana's cheer comps after that!
I know we will be cooking and probably entertaining but we will be at home and close to home this coming weekend
Our home....Our happy place

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

Cheer comps!  
We decided to stay over at a couple of our destinations
It is another excuse to socialize with our new friends and get the full comp experience
First stop= Hartford!

What Else is New?
Well I decided to coach cheer again this coming Fall; 
I was also asked to step in to be the Head Coach
It is a bit scary but I am excited for the challenge and so happy with Diana's reaction-
she can't wait!

Bonus Question For the Month
What is My Favorite Easter Tradition?

Easter Baking with Mimi
We used to do it every Holy Saturday but since Diana started cheering with ECE, it has become a bit more challenging
We always fit it in....This year we are going to do it on Good Friday

This was one of my favorite years baking (2011) -(we were still in our old house here!) check out that post HERE

Look forward to reading all about your fun months!


  1. im so glad your watching the people vs oj too! its soooo crazy! were voting on our new book club book on my blog and i'd love for you to come vote and read with us next month! so glad i found you through the linkup! hope you'll stop by mine!

  2. I have heard great things about Blue Apron!
    Have so much fun at Disney!!!
    Thanks for linking up with us :)
