Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Favorites (February 12, 2016)

Linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea for Friday Favorites HERE

and Linking Up with Christina for Five on Friday HERE

My Top Five This Week.....

Peter Thomas Roth Camu Camu Vitamin C x30 Moisturizer...introduced to me by a few friends and will never look skin has never felt better...power punch of Vitamin C....boom!
(I get mine at Sephora)

Calvin Klein Euphoria friend Laurel wore it and after smelling it, I just needed to have it!

My new "Lilly" Travel Mug...can you stand it?
The print is called "Sunny First Impression" but it really reminds me of the 4th of July :)

It's election favorite time of the year
We are heavily involved in our school system and in town and this time of year always gives me the butterflies
The schools even let the kids cast votes for special activities
It is so fun to watch them "get involved in the process"

and speaking of kids....they are always my favorite
Diana celebrated her 100th Day of School and really got decked out in "100 year old attire"

and Pidge LOVES wearing sunglasses...too funny!

Hope you all have an AMAZING weekend!
Happy Valentine's Weekend!!

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