Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Sprinkle for Jill

Baby #5 is on Its Way and We Celebrated and
"Sprinkled" Jill with some treats!

This is essential especially once you pass on all of your baby things...and then you are surprised with a new little bundle of joy!

Jill was certainly surprised AND choked up :)

I kept the theme was "Sprinkles"

Karen at Synfully Sweet Treats Did the Cake and it was amazing as always!

I used sprinkles in the utensil glasses and in a vase with tulips too

Lunch included:
Chicken Salad Finger Sandwiches
Fruit Salad
Tossed Salad
Corn Dip with Fritos 
Quiche by Jess
and of course, Monkey Bread

For drinks, I served:
Champagne and Orange Sherbert Punch
Water and

Dessert was:
Karen's Cake
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Dipped Fruit
and "Sprinkled Rice Krispee Treats"

Jill got so many amazing gifts....all very essential!
Check out this bottle of wine I found for her.  How appropriate huh?  She can celebrate with it after the arrival of Baby #5



and oh so fun!

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