Saturday, December 5, 2015

Holly's 1st Annual Holiday Recipe Exchange: Appetizer Edition

One of the things I love about the blogging community, is the wonderful ideas that are exchanged about holiday traditions.

One of my favorite bloggers Shay, hosts a recipe exchange every Christmas.  Each year there is a different theme. 

Invite no more than 15 guests
Have everyone email the host the recipes two weeks in advance
Make a cookbook of all  the recipes for your guests to take home
Have awards with prizes
Have fun!

So...I decided to do my first one this year and it was!
The cookbooks came out GREAT!  That was the thing that stood out for most of my guests...everyone loved them.  Thank you Staples

I included everyone's recipes along with a picture of the chef and a picture of the food!  So fun!

Exhibit A
 When everyone arrived, I offered them cocktails.  The choices were Candy Cane Martinis, Red Wine, White Wine, Sparkling Wine, Cranberry Juice and Water
I also put out the holiday rosemary wreath and crackers (not that we needed more food but I thought it would be nice to have something to munch on as everyone settled in)


We dined on the following:
Spicy Italian Ring- Complements of Mary
Brown Sugar Smokies- Compliments of Cassandra
Potato Latkes with Creme Fresh & Smoked Salmon- Compliments of Greer
Mini Twice-Baked Potato Appetizers- Compliments of Jess
Pizza Muffins- Compliments of Mary Beth
Roasted Balsamic Cranberry & Brie Crostini- Compliments of Jill
Crock Pot Grape Jelly and Chili Meatballs- Compliments of Kathleen
Brie with Brown Sugar & Pecans- Compliments of Beth Ann
Goat Cheese Stuffed Figs Wrapped in Bacon- Compliments of Tracy
Cranberry Chutney- Compliments of Nicole
Spiced Shirmp with Avacado Feta Drip- Compliments of Laurel
Buffalo Chicken Pinwheel Wraps- Compliments of Chrissy
Gorgonzola and Pear Polenta Rounds- Compliments of Alison
Mini Beef Wellington With Brandy Cream Sauce- Compliments of Holly

and the winners were....

BEST Recipe went to Laurel for her Spiced Shrimp!
She won a holiday Yankee Candle and a Bath and Body Holiday Hand Sanitizer

MOST FESTIVE Recipe went to Jill for her Roasted Balsamic Cranberry & Brie Crostini!
She won a Yankee Candle Holiday Candle

and MOST UNIQUE Recipe went to Alison for her Gorgonzola & Pear Polenta Rounds! She won a Bath & Body Holiday Hand Sanitizer

As you can imagine, we were all stuffed from all of these delectable goodies

 but not too stuffed to indulge in some desserts.  I made mini peppermint cheesecakes, Santa Claus brownie bites, brownie brittle, cranberry & pistachio bark and Beth Ann made an amazing Kahlua cake.....and here is our obligatory group shot!

I'm already thinking about potential themes for next year...ideas are welcome!

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