Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Favorites (December 11, 2015)

Friday Favorites (Festive Edition)

I decided to dedicate my Friday Favorites to All Of My Favorite Festive Happenings 

Linking up with Andrea HERE

Here goes it!

1. Shay, one of my new favorite bloggers, posts the best recipes.
This week, I decided to try her baked chicken tacos with cranberry salsa
VERY festive....we agreed that we like her Green Chile Baked Chicken Tacos better and I plan on making those next time and topping them with the cranberry salsa- I think the tastes will mesh better-stay tuned
The salsa just makes the dish SO festive :)

2. and Clark Griswold is in the house....well my Clark anyway....stringing up the him (we always decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving.  This year I had to make sure that everything was done before my Recipe Exchange and my darling hubby obliged and got to work!

Doors to the Dining Room

Tree in My Office- My Happy Place

Our Family Room Tree and Mantle

and our home all lit up at night= bliss

3. and if you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know I am OBSESSED with the Hallmark Christmas movies...just the right amount of festive romance!  One of my favorite things to do this time of year is to snuggle up next to my office tree, light my Christmas Eve Yankee Candle and watch these gems.  A new mug from Christmas Tree Shop and cozy slippers complete my mission!

4. We always do different festive things with my parents each year too.  Last year, as you may remember, we took a trip down to Edaville Railroad to see the Christmas Lights.
You can check that out post out HERE

This year, as you may recall, we returned to Stone Zoo for the Christmas lights and a visit with Santa.  After the zoo, we headed over to my parents for a fun pizza night.  It is not just pizza, though, with my family.  Hey, we are Italian and we do things BIG!
My mom made these yummy coffee drinks...SO GOOD...and she made sure she had everything decorated before we got there...the kids loved it and so did I! :)

 5. Miss Janie, my Guardian Angel, spoils my little girls too
She got them kits so they could decorate their own gingerbread men and also Advent Calendars so they can do the count down to Christmas while enjoying chocolate!

6. Giving Back is one of my favorite things this time of year too
We have participated in two charities at our church, one at Diana's school and another community group.  I am trying to teach my girls that this is the true meaning of Christmas 

 7. Christmas PJ's...this year from Kohl's...we are gearing up for a family night of Christmas Light the jams!


 Robby B's


and Pidge's

Can't wait to read all of your Friday Favorites....Fa La La La La....La La La La! 


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