Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Day 2015

Christmas Morning at home was spectacular....all of the kiddos were home and opening gifts in our pj's in the cozy family room was on tap!

Waiting for Dad to brush his teeth!  The anticipation is priceless!

and this....just priceless

After presents, we enjoyed breakfast with Grammy and Papa Bob
Here they are with all of our their grand children

and later on, Rob and I with our girls, went to my parents for an amazing Christmas dinner and more presents then we could have imagined

One of my mom's beautiful packages

and we enjoyed a nice Christmas Walk...Pidge walked the ENTIRE BLOCK...she would let us carry her
We all are LOVING this mild weather in New England- we almost hit 70 degrees on Christmas Eve and we were well into the 60's on Christmas Day...outstanding!

Merry Christmas Everyone...he is born to us! 

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