Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What's Up Wednesday (November 2015)

Linking up with Shay HERE

What We're Eating This Week?
This is the BEST week for food ALL YEAR if you ask me!  What do you think?
So...what are we eating....or what WILL WE BE eating?
TURKEY!! and of course all of the fixings.
You saw my menu posted in my previous post
My favorite dish on Thanksgiving is typically the stuffing but I am excited to try a new Butternut Squash Souffle Recipe this year and Fried Corn is always a hit!

What I'm Reminiscing About?
Thanksgiving Pasts
Do you do that too?
Every year I try to remember what everyone loved or what was a miss?  What dishes are worth making again and which ones won't make the cut?  I also like thinking back to our family traditions and ensure that they continue for years to come
This was our first Thanksgiving in our dream happy to finally be able to host my dream Thanksgiving
This year will be our 4th here!

What I'm Loving
Hallmark Holiday Romance Movies!
I know I know....sooo early...but oh so worth it.
Here are my top three faves already this year....

and one from last year that I am still enjoying

What We've Been Up To
So since our cheer season ended, Diana has been working out at ECE again and tried out again for this year's competitive team.  We find out tonight what team she got placed on...we are very excited as she has been landing her standing back handspring and her round off double back handspring...she has a good chance of moving up....we shall see!

We have also been prepping for Thanksgiving
Grocery shopping for the big day is always an adventure and Rob and I always have a ball doing it
Saturday was great at Market Basket- we flew through the store!

Look at her go!

What I'm Dreading? a fan!

What I'm Working On
My Christmas Shopping AND a Cookbook of Holiday Appetizers that my friends are contributing too
We are having a recipe exchange with prizes and the cookbook is going to be for everyone to take home!  Oh...So...Fun!

What I'm Excited About
Revisiting Holiday Traditions with My Littles, My Hubby and My Parents
Stone Zoo Lights....Festival of Trees
and Creating New Traditions like Riding Around in Our Christmas Pajamas and looking at all of the beautiful lights!

What I'm Watching/Reading

We are just about done with Friday Night Lights.  We are at the last few episodes of Season Five/The Final Season.  It has been fantastic.  Would love some more suggestions on the next series we should get into.

Have not been reading...blah!  I would like to pick up Winter Street and Winter Stroll- both by Elin Hilderbrand....hopefully I will make that happen right after Turkey Day!

What I'm Listening To? guessed it...Christmas Music!
specifically Sirius XM Holiday...playing the classics
Diana is SO INTO it as well and I guess that is what is getting me in the spirit even more

What I'm Wearing

My Nordy's Scarf...only $20! stylish...comfy and warm!

My favorite cross body too of course

and an awesome fir-trimmed vest that Stitch Fix sent me- LOVE!

and of course a little Lilly :)

What I'm Doing This Weekend
Black Friday Shopping with my BFF
Stone Zoo Christmas Lights with my Parents
AND....decorating our house from head to toe- CANNOT WAIT!!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month?
A Magical night in Boston for girls and Moms- Diana and I are going out for a holiday night with Mary Beth and Kate...can't wait!

What Else is New?
Looking forward to a fun holiday party with my peeps at King's!

BONUS QUESTION: What is my favorite Christmas Tradition?
It has to be our big family Feast of the Seven Fishes at Auntie Peggy's
It is an old Catholic Italian tradition that we have carried on for Dad's whole family is there and we eat fish...and eat more fish...and eat even more fish!!  The tradition of it all is the best part...We get dressed up go to mass and then head right to Medford
Even Diana gets so excited for this night...she LOVES the tradition almost as much as I do!!  It is such a magical...sparkly night...don't know how else to describe it

This picture I found online really includes most of the kinds of fish we enjoy
Although my Auntie Mary makes either her delicious baccala salad or bouillabaisse too and we always enjoy my Auntie Peggy's crabbies as an appetizer....we usually have  a scallop dish when they say 7 can count on most Italians doing even more than that!

1 comment:

  1. Did you see the new Lori Loughlin Hallmark movie? I think it was called North Pole: Open for Business... so cute! :)
