Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Black Water Grill in Salem NH is My Favorite Local Hangout!

  What Is Your Favorite Local Hangout and Why?

Mine is The Black Water Grill in Salem NH

 We always love trying new places but if you are like us, something dependable and close to home is our first choice.  The Black Water Grill, in Salem NH has something for everyone and it is an intimate, funky option for couples, families and even the after work crew.  The food is upscale American and some of our favorites are the buffalo chicken rangoon, the Black Water Crunch (which is chicken fingers that are breaded in Captain Crunch Cereal- Oh My God AMAZing) the steaks and one of their signature dishes, the Chicken Saute which is grilled chicken with penne and mozzarella in a light tomato cream sauce....so good and a top seller!

The cocktails are also so refreshing and they are always updated every season which keeps us guessing!  Some of my favorites have been the Blackberry Mojitos in the Summer and their Pumpkin Martinis in the Fall.

Christian Breen is the owner and in one word, he is "AMAZING."  Our experience with Christian has been unreal over the last 8 years.  Christian has turned this restaurant into a roaring success and it is because of who he is as a human being and business person.  People come back time after time and people continue to choose The Black Water Grill for their events.  About 5 years ago, when my stepson had just started football at the high school, one of the football moms was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I remember reaching out to Christian and asking his advice on food.  We took up a collection from the parents on the team and I brought it to Christian.  Well, what he did was beyond generous.  He gave us 5x the amount of food that we had paid him for.  He did it out of the goodness of his heart and we were able to provide our family in need with meals that would last a month!  I will NEVER forget that.

We also hosted Diana's Baptism Party at BWG back in 2008.  It was outstanding then and the events have only gotten bigger and better.  I also convinced my company to host their annual holiday party there and it was wonderful.  Every year, Christian also hosts a ladies night .  It is a free event with raffles and the raffle prize money goes towards the breast cancer research (namely the Susan G Komen Fund).  This year's "Ladies Night" will be happening on October 21st.  Doors open at 6pm!  You won't want to miss it- it is always a smashing success and a blast of a time!  Christian's event room downstairs, is the perfect balance of contemporary and comfort.  The bar is huge and always well-stocked too!
One of our favorite things to do at BWG is grab drinks and apps on the deck.  It is so nice to be outside (especially during the short season we have up here in New England) You can also rent out the deck and bar for functions. 
What more could you want in NH right?

 Please check out Black Water Grill and let me know what you think!  You can post a comment on my blog or email me at hbinda@yahoo.com

You can find them HERE
or you can check them out on Facebook HERE

I guarantee you Love at First Bite....
FOR EVENT INQUIRIES PLEASE EMAIL Christian at blackwatergrill@gmail.com
Tell him Holly sent you!  If you are looking for more local events in Southern, NH, check out Event Brite
and with Event Brite, you can even sell tickets!  Check out that option on their site as well HERE

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