Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What's Up Wednesday!

I am linking up with Mel over at The Larson Lingo- Check her out HERE

So....this should be fun!

What we're eating this week?
Meat and Salad....every night.....

Once the summer hits, we are all about using our grill....Monday was ribs, Tuesday was steak and tonight was chicken....all with loaded salads...delish!  Since coming back from Grand Cayman, I have also been so inspired by their native dishes which always included fruits and veggies and fruit in many of my salads over the last few months have incorporated fruit too!

What I'm Reminiscing about?

Diana a baby
Pulling her old clothes out for Pidge is bringing me back to when she was fitting in these tiny things....
warms my heart....I keep reflecting and precocious she was and still is today!

What I'm Loving?

Spending time on our much time outside
Love our new red theme....and our herbs and flowers....and then looking out at our newly planted garden...pure bliss!

What We've Been Up To?
Well if you follow this blog... you know life has been CRAZY (in a good way)...let's look back over the last few months shall we?

Cheer Comps

Daddy Daughter Dance

Mimi's Birthday

A disappointing town election- we miss you Jerry! 


Breast Cancer Fashion Show

Grand Cayman with Aspect...thank you Robby B!

Eva's 1st birthday!

Diana lost her first tooth!

Mother's Day!

Ally's Graduation from UNH!

Girls' Night Out at Tangierino

A fun filled Memorial Day Weekend!

Geesh...I'm tired just looking at all of these pics!

What I'm Dreading?

The potential of no improvements getting on our school district ballot...or worse a great facilities option getting on the ballot and not passing in March BUT I am trying to think positively and I have faith in my husband and colleagues who I know will work towards the best options

What I'm Working On?

My overall health....I have fixed my work/life balance and have truly found the happy medium
I believe that has started to lower my blood pressure

I have also started eating more healthy and have watched my portions...I have dropped over 10 pounds and have been focusing more on fruits, vegetables and proteins

I have also been exercising sporadically...I am really working towards building an exercise routine that is consistent and will complement my diet for overall health

Mentally and spiritually I am in a great place...and physically...I am slowly improving and working towards a healthier me.....

What I'm Excited About?

This summer....
so many fun plans that include my favorite peeps and of course the BEACH!!!

4th of July Weekend in Kennebunk with Mimi and Papa!

A Week at the Beach with the Fourniers

and Labor Day Weekend in Portsmouth and Hampton with the Grahams, LaPierres and Millers

What I'm Watching/Reading?

Watching....How I Met Your Mother (on Netflix)...We are on Season 5...can't stop...will be so sad when we reach the end

Reading...Just finished "It Was Me All Along" by Andie Mitchell....was so inspired...Andie truly encapsulated what it meant to grow up with a weight problem...she helped to turn my thinking around...just love her...and love her healthy recipes....

Here she is...before and after...beautiful always

and now I am going between books on my Kindle app...
"You Knew He Had Kids When You Married Him" ...great read for stepmoms

and When Food is Love by Geneen Roth (referral from Andie Mitchell above)


A Summer Affair (by one of my favorite authors, Elin Hildebrand...the Nantucket Native herself)

What I'm Listening To?

Shut Up and Dance- Talking is Hard

and Sugar of course...

and going old school...heard it on the radio and had to have it
Flashback to Andover High Talent Show in 1990.....
that's right Black Velvet by Alannah Myles!

What I'm Wearing?

Dresses!  Love having reasons to dress up!
Those who have been following me know that I am Lily Pulitzer's #1 fan....but I also have a love for dresses in feminine....

and my newest coral accessories....LOVE!

What's I'm Doing This Weekend?

So excited!

Having my dear friend Julie over for dinner on Friday night....apps and wine on the deck and dinner inside...pure much to catch up on

and then Saturday is the big Strawberry Festival...we are very excited this year because Robby B will be in the dunk tank!

Winning Poster Design by Giana Bauer

Saturday Night my friend Greer (who is an awesome chef) and I are cooking dinner for our hubbies...we have wanted to cook together for a long time and we are finally doing it...we planned our menu and now we will be executing...stay tuned for the blog post...

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month?

A dinner and blessing with Eva's godparents Chuck and Alice
Davis' graduation party
A wine dinner with my girls
Diana's dance recital
Party at Chrissy's
and the Windham Fireworks Night....WOOHOOO!!

(My favorite picture from last year's fireworks below)

What Else Is New?

The Breton Garden 2015...New AND Improved
With only weekly feeding and bug spray....we are trying again
Rob invested in the different soils to make up Mel's Mix and we went to town

The four boxes contain tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and eggplant (stay tuned)

and the herbs on the deck are basil, cilantro, parsley and sweet mint!

Linking up with Mel at The Larson Lingo

1 comment:

  1. Your backyard deck looks great, love the red umbrella & everything is SO green!!!! We are in a major drought, it is so dry & brown here!
    Looks like you had a really fun May & looks like you have some fun trips planned this summer!
    Thanks for linking up with us:)
