Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend 2015

Memorial Day 2015

What a wonderful start to Summer....pure bliss...and meaning so much more after the horrific winter

Friday morning Eva woke up with bumps everywhere....Rob rushed her to the doctor's office while I got Diana on the bus...I was convinced it was chicken pox...thank God it wasn't....minor skin infection but nonetheless...way to start a holiday weekend off with heart palpitations!

Friday night, my parents came up......we grilled and enjoyed dinner on the deck
Diana had a great time driving Papa Pete crazy! ;)

Saturday we bought all of our plants and gardening supplies
Diana and I also had a fun time shopping together :)

Saturday night, we went out to celebrate with Cass and Steve...this is her birthday weekend...we thought it would be fun to had to The Black Cow in Newburyport...right on the was fantastic
Check out my coral accessories ;)

Sunday, after mass, we were excited for our friends' Beth Ann and Matt's cookout/pool party
Diana and I headed over early to help

We had a ball with some of our besties...and the kiddos had more fun than anyone!
Eva enjoyed her first time "swimming" :)

and Memorial Day itself?
It was our town parade in the morning...we enjoyed watching Daddy march again with our friends and then a moving ceremony at the cemetary


and we got to see Cass and Alexis again as they marched with the Girl Scouts

and our friends' Greer and Gordon's daughter Alexa

after the parade it was time to plant!  We plant our garden, herbs and flowers every Memorial Day Weekend!

My statues...I always like to take their picture...they symbolize all I am thankful for
Mother Mary and St Joseph who have made all things possible
Planted beside them our my two favorite flowers- the blue hydrangea and the lilac

Papa helped Rob mix our magic soil...we are hoping that this homemade version of Mel's mix does the trick this year (along with our plant food, water and bug spray)

My garden stone :)

This year, the four veggies in our garden boxes are tomatoes (three kinds), zucchini, cucumbers and are the completed boxes!

and my planted flowers in our front planters

We wrapped up the weekend with some Jiffy Pop!  WOOHOO!

It was a full holiday weekend....and we are blessed

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