Friday, May 9, 2014

Insta Friday (May 9, 2014)

life rearranged

Insta...Er......Friday?  How about "Insta Spring" this week instead?
Life has been CRAZY so I will catch up on the last month or so here.....

all good crazy....busy changing crazy!!!

Homemade Whole Meals

Coloring Eggs for Easter on Good Friday Night (Daddy took this VERY seriously- hysterical)

Tuscan Market's Version of "Pizzagaina" for our Italian Easter Tradition

Beautiful Flower Girls at Emily's Wedding

Easter Magic

Surprise Shower Thrown By My Windham Wine Girls :)

and then our little friend was born early....

Beautiful Flowers from Mum and Dad

The Start of T Ball for Miss Thing

Spring has finally SPRUNG here in New England- THANK GOD!

and a whole lotta firsts over the last few weeks....

First Martini and Sushi for Mama ;)

and for Pidge? First Bath at Home! (Note: Big Sissy Helping)

and the first walk in our neighborhood

and for Miss Thing....We are keeping our structure and schedule which makes her happy

Bedtime Stories

Displaying Her Artwork...just precious

Mama's Road Back to Health
Down 33lbs so far and counting!

My Girls

Doing Big Sis's Hair

and Eva has been welcomed into the neighborhood :)

and there you have it
Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new baby girl.
    All that food looks delish! DO you have recipes to share by chance? =)
