Friday, March 7, 2014

Insta Friday (March 7th, 2014)

life rearranged

Catching up on life for the last two weeks...through my the's March!  Spring is here right?  I NEED THE SUN!!

My brave girl....poor little monkey has had an ear infection and strep throat over the last month and still fights through with smiles



Working Hard on this Campaign...Signs Signs Signs

Windham NH....LOVE

Diana's Picture of President Obama...ha ha!!

We packed lunch last week for cheer camp....and our little monkey says
"I am really going to enjoy my lunch"...and it made me cry...I'm a mess

Diana's Fish "Erin"

Campaign Buttons are in!

We have been overwhelmed with the help and support of our friends in town...thank you all!

Straight Hair?  Must be ECE Cheer Comp Time!

We LOVE Claribel!!

Linking Up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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